A trigger-happy policeman stills walks free after shattering a traveller’s leg with live bullet on East-West road, Rumuge area of Port Harcourt.
A witness said they were travelling to Lagos when said officer flagged their bus for checks.
In the ensuing argument, the officer who hasn’t been identified by name, shot one of the unarmed travellers in the leg for daring to question him.
“A police man stopped our bus asking for drivers license from our driver which he gave him,” the witness, Godwin said.
“After that, he requested for tinted permit then the driver told him that the car is a company car and that the copy of the permit was not with him.
“We all came down pleading with him to let us go, but he bluntly refused.
“On seeing us, another of same company bus stopped to ask his colleague what the issue was alongside with some passengers, the next thing was that the policeman opened fire on the leg of this young man who was also presumed to be a force man just because he demanded an explanation on why we were unjustly delayed.”
Since the video of the incident went viral on social media, the Nigerian police authorities have yet to publicly denounce the officer’s action nor identify him for proper investigation.