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We Have The Right To Graze Anywhere, Herdsmen Dares Bishops Over Declaring Them Terrorist

The Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, MACBAN, on Tuesday threatened to institute a legal action against Anglican bishops for describing violent herdsmen as terrorists.

Recall that an Anglican bishops in Nigeria had called on President Muhammadu Buhari to declare armed herdsmen as terrorists.

However, MACBAN, while insisting they are not terrorists, admonished the bishops to withdraw their remark.

Speaking with Vanguard, the National Coordinator of MACBAN, Alhaji Garus Gololo said herdsmen have the right to graze anywhere across the country.

According to Gololo, “We are not happy with this comment coming from the Bishops who are spiritual heads of the Anglican Church; we want them to withdraw it.

“We are not criminals and the President has nothing to do with us. We are not terrorists, we are peacekeeping citizens.

“We have the right to graze anywhere in the world, not even in Nigeria, because that is the business we came for. So, if the Bishops ask the President to declare herdsmen as criminals, so every man they see rearing cow will be killed. It is very wrong.

“We are not happy with this comment and if they make comments as such next time, we will challenge it in the court.”

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