address, the root and immediate causes of Boko Haram activities. There was never a holistic approach to tackling the menace. The government only applied the military option while the northern society refused to co-operate with the government by recognising the socio-cultural dimension of the then impending doom posed by the terrorists. Today the scourge of Boko Haram, a needless war bravely stares Nigeria in the face. I have practically avoided discussing the issue of the Fulani herdsmen except in isolated comments but I think its time to add my voice because the risk they pose is enormous and their recent attempt to overrun my motherland, the Igbo nation requires urgent attention.
The latest news has it that the herdsmen who have metamorphosed into a pseudo-terrorist group because the carnage they leave behind in their wake is becoming a dangerous reality that must be condemned and nipped in the bud. The Fulani herdsmen have attacked Enugu state leaving tears and sorrow in its trails with over 25 Igbo men and women dead in their own community because they wanted to protect their farm lands which the herdsmen believe that they have the right of way to destroy everything in their path to raise cattle. When you listen to the arguments of northerners, for instance, Garba Shehu who is the special adviser to the president on media, he argued on TV that the Fulani herdsmen are Nigerians and are entitled to freedom of movement. Now the questions are, should our freedom of movement infringe on another citizen’s rights? Are farmers not entitled to their ancestral lands as farms? Should they allow the cattle rearers to destroy their hard work because the Fulani herdsmen have freedom of movement? By implication so any Nigerian citizen can move through the private estate and farmland of another Nigerian citizen destroying same because there is freedom of movement as enshrined in the 1999 constitution? What happens to the

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