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BREAKING: Donald Trump loses in Court (See shocking details)

A Federal Judge on Friday (today) ruled in favor of CNN and temporarily restored White House press access for reporter Jim Acosta, in a blow to the Trump administration.

IGBERE TV News had reported that popular cable news CNN this week, sued the White House to demand the immediate return of Acosta’s press credentials after his media pass got revoked.

The White House revoked the reporter’s press pass last week after a heated exchange between him and Donald Trump at a news conference. Acosta, CNN’s White House correspondent, is the first reporter to have his hard pass banned.

Delivering the judgement on Friday, Judge Timothy Kelly ordered the White House to restore Acosta’s “hard pass” immediately.

Kelly said despite Friday’s order, the case would continue.

“I want to emphasize the very limited nature of today’s ruling,” he said in the courtroom. “This doesn’t end the legal battle over Acosta’s access to the White House, it simply means that it is restored for now.”

CNN issued a statement after the ruling saying, “We are gratified with this result and we look forward to a full resolution in the coming days. Our sincere thanks to all who have supported not just CNN, but a free, strong and independent American press.”

Acosta added: “I just want to thank all my colleagues in the press who supported me this week. I want to thank the judge [for this ruling]. And let’s go back to work.”.

CNN has been at the center of Trump’s war against the “mainstream media”. Within that Acosta, CNN’s chief White House correspondent, has become the number one target.

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