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Nnamdi Kanu  Rages With Fury; Sends Atiku A Strong Message

Nnamdi Kanu  Rages With Fury; Sends Atiku A Strong Message


The Indigenous people of Biafra under the sole leadership of  Nnamdi Kanu has shown their strong and fervent dislike for Atiku and have sent him a message by disowning a prof for hugging Atiku.

The Indigenous People of IndigenousPeople of Biafra, IPOB has disowned Prof. Ben Nwabueze for accepting the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Atiku Abubakar.IGBERE TV gathered.

The group, in a statement on Thursday, made available to IGBERE TV disowned Prof. Nwabueze describing his move as an insult to the Igbo nation. The Statement read;

“Professor Ben Nwabueze is no longer one of us. He has joined the enemy camp. 50 years of embracing every Fulani presidential candidate that comes to Enugu with a bag of foreign currency has never yielded anything positive for our people.

Every promise and declaration Prof. Nwabueze made to IPOB leadership he has broken. From insisting that nobody should meet him for peace with IPOB unless the terrorist tag is removed to agreeing to extract written binding commitment from Atiku to return Nigeria to the regions (1963 Constitution). He failed on all these fronts.

He is still an elder and father but his romance with Fulani One Nigeria and mortgaging Igbo interest on mere empty promise from Atiku is unacceptable. They have been endorsing every northerner all their lives for money, contracts and appointments for themselves and their families.

Please don’t insult him or use rude words to address him because it’s not his fault. He was deceived by blood-sucking Igbo demon politicians. We simply avoid him and not talk about him anymore. He is NOT somebody we can defer to anymore.

Hugging Atiku like a child in need of his mother is an unforgivable insult to the great Igbo race in particular and we Biafrans in general.”

IGBERE TV understands that Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a separatist organisation led by Nnamdi Kanu. The group wants a number of states in south-east Nigeria, made up mainly of people from the Igbo ethnic group, to break away from Nigeria and form the independent nation of Biafra.

To achieve this, the group is calling for a referendum, stating that they will continue to agitate until the Nigerian government fixes a date for the referendum “to settle the issue of Biafra in a civilised and democratic manner”. On 20 September 2017, a Federal High Court in Abuja granted the Nigerian Federal Government an interim injunction proscribing the activities of the Indigenous People of Biafra.

Amnesty International has accused the Nigeria army of killing not less than 150 members of IPOB with video evidence of the massacre at Nkpor in Anambra State from 29 to 30th of May 2016 as they celebrate Biafra remembrance day and that of Ngwa high school on the 8th of February in a prayer service.
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