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"Chima Anyaso: A New Wine For A New Bende"

By Razor Gabriel

It is no longer news that Dr. Chima Desmond Anyaso is the PDP candidate for Bende Federal Constituency neither is it news that he defeated a three term legislator for the PDP ticket. His victory consolidation visits to those he contested the ticket with is already a stale news.

Now, here is the news; The new wine, Chima Anyaso is already demonstrating that he will never forget his support base or will he forget those that stood by him when there were no glimpse of hope that he will succeed in his political voyage.

The thank you visit he paid to HRM, Eze (Engr) Patrick O. Ude (JP)’s family gives a preview of what we are to witness from Dr. Chima Desmond Anyaso come 2019 when he is elected into the Green Chamber.

Dr. Chima Desmond Anyaso

To Chima Anyaso Foundation, every trust from a partner should be appreciated and that was what the foundation did by appreciating HRM, Eze (Engr) and Lolo Patrick O. Ude(JP) with an automobile (watch Video and Pictures).

The Bende Federal Constituency PDP flag bearer also visited Dr. Eme Okoro the Secretary to the State Government of Abia State; a constituent of Bende Federal Constituency, to say thank you for his belief in him. This is a pointer to what to expect if Dr. Anyaso wins the General Election. He has indeed shown that one cannot abandon the home that raised and supported one when most needed. He has so far exhibited the good and quality leadership trait that Home coming and appreciation should be the Hallmark of a good Representative.

Indeed, the Good People of Bende Federal Constituency should leap in joy, they are and would be in safe hands of a Home-coming, Appreciative Representative.

Gone are the days when Representatives win and coil away in Abuja only to return home during Elections and rarely, during festive periods. By showing appreciation this early, it is indeed an assurance that to whom much is given, so much more is expected and Dr. Anyaso has so far with his thank you visits, shown that much would be given back to his constituents as expected.

Dr. Anyaso would create the much needed opportunity for the Youths, Women, to be a part of his Legislative agenda. To drive the wheel of Legislative Progress in Bende, as a Youthful leader, It is indeed the dawn of a new era, one in which the voice of the people would be heard loud and clear in the Green chambers of the National Assembly.

Dr. Anyaso would also utilize his Constituency mandate to drive both legislative, economic and infrastructural development and growth of Bende Federal District. The Bende Federal Constituency much needed quality Representation is here. Indeed, it is a new wine in a new Bende. A period of Progressive and people oriented Legislative dawn has arrived.

@razorgabs writes from Amaekpu Item in Bende LGA Abia State

Anambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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