By Akin Omoz-Oarhe
Why are you always led by the nose ? Can’t you do your independent reasoning? Just imagine Atiku telling you that he is a provider of labour and services through his various investments and you are now jumping all over the place repeating same. Can’t you ask what labour he has provided and who are the beneficiaries of the services defender. Can’t you ask how the “services” he has provided over the years, improved the life of the down trodden? What a shame. Let me help you here, taking a glance at one one of his best known investments, the America University of Nigeria.
Atiku owns America University of Nigeria, Yola, Adamawa State. Adamawa is his home state. Constituting the Board are:

Atiku Abubakar
**1. Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Non-Nigerian
**2. Dr. John Campbell. Non-Nigerian
**3. Dr. Bamanga Tukur. Nigerian
**4. Dr. Louis Goodman. Non-Nigerian
**5. Mr. Gabriele Volpi. Non-Nigerian
**6. Alhaji Tajudeen Dantata. Nigeria
**7. H.E. Prof. Gilbert Bukenya. Non-Nigerian
**8. Prof. William Bertrand. Non-Nigerian
**9. Vice Admiral D. J. Ezeoba. Nigerian
**10.Bishop Matthew Kukah. Nigerian
**11. Dr. Anna Mokgokong. Non-Nigerian
**12. Alhaji Adamu Abubakar. Nigerian
**13. Chief (Dr.) Mike Adenuga. Nigerian
**14. Dr. Peter Lewis. Non-Nigerian
**15. Mr. Jon Freeman. Non-Nigerian
**16. Mr. Ike Chioke. Nigerian
**17. Mr. Akin Kekere-Ekun Nigerian
**18. Dr. Dawn Dekle. Non-Nigerian
Can you believe that 56% of the Board membership are non-Nigerians. Why would Atiku think that Nigerians cannot totally run his University.
Since inception of the University, there have been four Presidents which are equivalent to our Vice Chancellors. They are
**1. David Huwiler. Non-Nigerian
**2. Michael Smith. Non-Nigerian
**3. Margee Ensign. Non- Nigerian
**4. Dawn Dekle. Non-Nigerian.
Why does Atiku think that Nigerians are good enough to Head his school? Not even one? I can only think out a reason: It is part of human behavior to see in other people what you are. If you are a fraud, you think everyone else is a fraud. To Atiku, all Nigerians are all fraud like him who should never be allowed to Head his institution lest they financially crumble the place.
For a First Degree, The fee is :
Tuition 1,590,000
Boarding 650,000
Meals. 678,300
Technology 70,000
Sports. 50,000
Student Activities 60,000
Health 20,000
e-Books 90,000
TOTAL. 3,208,300 (Three million, Two hundred and eight thousand, three hundred naira only). In addition to this, a student that decides to take an extra course in a semester beyond the 15 credit units for that semester, pays extra N53,000 per credit unit. Note also that the feeding here is for only 42 meals the college would provide. You provide the rest 1050 meals for yourself. In simple term, a student spends over N4m per annum just to be student of Atikus Iniversity.
Adamawa is not a particularly rich state. Most people are peasant farmers. A permanent secretary in Adamawa State is on annual salary of about N2m. Such a Permanent Secretary would need a two year salary to pay one year school fees of one of his four children in AUN. What could be giving Atiku the picture that his people can afford such a fee? Again we can see Atiku projecting his life style on others. As a custom officer, Atiku became a multi billionaire from stealing public fund. He expects other public officers to do same. As regards the peasant farmers, Atiku definitely believes they are simply not worthy of attending his school.
The chances are high that there may not be up to 20 Adamawa Children in AUN and definitely not a single child of the honest civil Servant or Peasant.
Think of the kid from Atiku’s University that had spent over N60,000 monthly on accommodation and had been fed 42 times at the rate 16,000 per meal. Now academically endowed, he desires to improve his fatherland by taking up an accountant in Adamawa State Ministry of Finance where his entire annual salary is less than N500,000 to cater for his accommodation, feeding, clothing, transportation and with a view to bring up his own child in colleges not worse than the one
he attended. Tell me what he would do? Sure there is only one way open to him. It is to behave like Atiku and go straight for the treasury.

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