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Independence Day: Governor Grants State Pardon To 7 Convicted Prisoners Sentence To Death

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has granted prerogative of mercy and state pardon to seven convicted prisoners who were sentence to death and life imprisonments.

Governor Lalong disclosed this, on Monday, during the occasion of the 58th Independence Anniversary celebration held at Government House, Rayfield, Jos, Plateau state.

According to the governor, “As a mark of our appreciation and thanksgiving to Gideon for the guidance, protection and success recorded, and in exercise of the powers conferred on me as Governor in section 212 of the Constitution of Nigeria1999, after due consultation with state advisory council on prerogative of mercy, I have granted prerogative of mercy to seven prisoners.

“Two criminal convicted of 21 years each are now committed to 10 years imprisonment each and five convictions of ranging from several years imprisonment s to death sentence are now committed to absolute pardon.

“All these pardons are granted for reasons of good conduct with effect from the different dates of sentences.”

Governor Lalong expressed dismay that the state is celebrating this year’s Independence with a heavy heart following the civil unrest that led to the death of innocent persons at Rukuba road and some parts of Plateau state and urged security agencies to fish out the perpetrators.

He continued, “It is sad that we are celebrating this year’s Independence with heavy hearts, considering the unfortunate incidences at Rukuba road, and some areas in the Jos metropolis.

“Some innocent citizens were attacked and killed by agents of evil and destruction. While strongly condemning this tragic incidence, I wish to on behalf of the government, commiserate with families of the bereaved, while the security agencies have been tasked to fish out the perpetrators and bring them to Justice.”

He noted that government is concern on the recurrent violent in the state and directed security agencies to be on alert and remain firm in their tireless efforts in nipping the incidents in the bud.

He dedicated the 58th Independence message to the deceased and families as well as the unfortunately displaced citizens who have been dislocated from their homes by senseless violent attacks and living under various forms of trauma and deprivation.

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