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Young Man Cries On Facebook After His Little Daughter’s Death. Photos

Young Man Cries On Facebook After His Little Daughter’s Death. Photos

A young man has taken to Facebook to mourn the death of his little child identified as Emmanuella Chinecherem who passed away few days ago after an undisclosed sickness. John-mary Uzochukwu from Nnewi, Anambra state, had previously solicited for prayers for his daughter on September 3rd, only to reveal yesterday that she had died.

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The heartbroken father who is mourning his loss shared a picture of him crying alongside a picture of his daughter’s corpse as he revealed his pain.

Below are some of the posts he made on Facebook after his daughter’s death.

It pains me 2 d hrt dat my little Angel,who didn’t do any wrong 2 d world is gone.My world z gonna crash cos she’s al I got .My irreplaceable Gold is gone who’s gonna console, who’s gonna make me smile d way u do. 2day I voice my grievances it shall Eva b wil wit who so ever did dz 2 me .God of vengeance pledge my case Rip Taata..

Am left alone in this world,but I can not question d almighty cos Him alone knows my feelings. Ur memories wil Eva b green in my hrt. Sweetie rest in peace til we met again 2 part no more. I luv u vry much my Angel .JEE NKE OMA CHINECHEREM

Anambra man of the year award
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