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British Fugitive Taunts Police After Absconding To Africa. Photos

after skipping court to go to Africa was remanded in custody by JPs yesterday. Sam Walker, 35, snub-bed an April court date for a road offence — then tweeted videos apparently from Sierra Leone.

He added: “Here’s how to get out the UK when you need to get to Africa to fulfil a promise to the people in the slums — but are wanted by police and know they will nick you at the airport if you attempt to leave.”

After returning, he was rearrested in July and bailed by JPs — but again snubbed the next hearing.

They were sent a doctor’s note but refused it.

He was nicked again this week and appeared before Liverpool magistrates on 13 charges relating to drugs, driving and skipping court.

Walker, from Liverpool, is due at the city’s crown court on September 20.

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