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Unbelievable!! SEE What Policemen Did To A Man After His Car Spoiled(Photos)

A Nigerian man took to his Facebook account to narrate how policemen treated him in Lagos after his car broke down.

According to him,

“I was driving on thrid mainland bridge and had a flat tyre just before the Yaba turning. As I pulled off the road to change the tyre, a police man approached me asking what the problem was. Before long he had called his colleagues and they were helping me change my car tyre.”

“I must confess, I was a bit uncomfortable seeing the officer getting down to change the tyre while I assisted.”

“After changing the tyre, they gave me a pack of sachet water to wash my hands, then I was wanting for their next move…”

“To my surprise they simply wished me well as I continued my journey, absolutely no request or demand for anything.”

“So I want to say a very big thank you to officers Zakari, Adeyemi and Augustine Ameh for really demonstrating that the police can really be your friend.”

“Just about the same time another driver pulled over who had missed his was, they were equally as helpful with such gracious attitude.”

“Sometimes we look for the spirit of the New Nigeria in the wrong places, but that Saturday I was excited to see that the spirit of the New Nigeria is already at work all around us, modelled by simple everyday people.”

“With all the negative things that come out of the Nigerian Police Force, it was so amazing seeing these men of the Nigerian Police demonstrate such selflessness at no cost.”

“To officers Zakari, Adeyemi and Augustine Ameh, I salute and honour you for your conduct.”

“I pray you will see and enjoy the reward of the good investment you are making in this country.”

“I hope this can somehow get to the force authorities.

God bless you!”

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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