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Little Baby Almost Crushed By Bags Of Cement At A Shop In Lagos. Photos

It would have been a different sad story. A little baby was almost crushed by bags of cement at a shop in Lagos. According to Johnpaul Chukwunoyelum who witnessed the incident, a sales girl left her sleeping baby on a mat close to where bags of cement were packed in the shop.

The little baby later woke up and started crying as soon as the visitor (Johnpaul) entered the shop. The baby was pacified and laid down to sleep on the mat again before being carried.

Few minutes after the visitor carried the baby, about nine bags of cement fell on the mat where the baby was initially kept by the mother.

Read the full report by Johnpaul below;

Something great took place on my way to Alaba international, was waiting for a bus under hot sun I decided to enter one cement shop bcus the sun was much.  Only God can do this no other! 

A sales girl’s baby was laying down sleeping on a mat that is close to where d cements are parked, immediately I enter the shop the baby started crying, d mother carried her trying to make her go back to sleep. As soon as she slept n d mother wanted to lay her down on d mat d baby opened her eyes n started crying again pointing at me that I should carry her.

Then within four minutes i lifted her, 9 BAGS of cements fell on the mat where d baby was supposed to be lying on! CAN U IMAGINE WAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED IF D BABY WAS STILL LYING ON DAT MAT SLEEPING!! IT IS ONLY GOD COULD DO SUCH MIRACLE. !!!!!

I thank God for the life of this baby Chikamso.

Anambra man of the year award
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