Another set of Internally displaced persons (IDPs) have began trooping into Jalingo, the state’s capital city.
This followed after armed militias launched an unprovoked attacks on Thursday night and early hours of Friday on the Hausa-Fulani’s town of Kunnini and it’s suburbs in Lau local government area. The attackers reportedly killed many, burned down several houses and rendered hundreds mostly women and children homeless.
As at yesterday, nine people who were badly wounded from the brutal attacks have been hospitalized at the Jalingo Federal medical Center (FMC) and receiving treatment in the intensive care unit..
Eyes witnesses and survivors that fled for their lives reported that the militias came in hundreds armed with guns, machetes and local weapons, unleashed the mayhem by sporadic bullets shots and burning of houses.
This mayhem just happened four (4) days after some militias launched similar attacks on Fulani’s village in in the neighbouring Ardo Cola LGA , where one Ardo Musa was killed.
According to reports, similar sad events equally took place early last month (July) where over thirty four (34) Hausa-fulanis villages were burned down , ransacked, killed and rendered thousands homeless across Lau LGA by the armed coalition of Yandang, Mumuye and Bachama militias.