An Igbo based Onicha pastor is now Trending online for the good reasons after footing the bills of A lady with a deadly turmoil on the neck. IgbereTv understands.
According to Francis Udeh Jnr who shared story from Onitsha wrote
We saved her life.
Today is another milestone for me in ministry
After series of travels, I came back to the country and was missing the church so much. I decided to visit the choir in one of their rehearsal days. While in the meeting with them, I noticed a massive growth on the cheek of one of my members by name Oluchi.
After the meeting, I called her to find out what the growth was. She cried all through, said she was in deep pains, couldn’t chew and sleep. She had been like that for some months and doesn’t know exactly what it was. She said her parents couldn’t even afford a medical check up. Her Dad is a truck pusher and her mum is in the village. Her tears tore my heart.
I sent her to Dr Amara Uzoegwu, who is the head of AG Worship Center Onitsha Medical team. I paid nine thousand naira for her medical examinations. The results came out and she was diagnosed of Amenoblastoma of the mandible.
Simply put, she has a tumor which has eaten up almost her right jaw and was responsible for that massive growth. She needed an urgent surgery to arrest the tumor from further expanding to the head region and cause death.
The initial bill for the surgery was almost seven hundred thousand naira. Every effort to reach her parents proved abortive. Sent my pastors to meet with her father, he practically dodged us, for obvious reason- no money. Her mother said she should come to the village. Probably to come back and die. The whole drama annoyed me.
Was I going to allow my member to die, because of her parents inability or irresponsibility?. Because even if you don’t have money, you should show concern and love. Mtcheeew! that is story for another day.
It was a burden for me.
Within my few years in ministry, I noticed pastors do a lot of good for members, but they love paying back with evil. In fact the ones you help more, attack you more. But are we going to stop doing good, because of other ungrateful ones? No!!!.
Because of the urgency, I prayed about it and last week Sunday, I talked to AG Worship Center members about the need to save miss Oluchi’s life. I took the lead and others supported willingly. I saw an amazing show of love from the members.
Saving her life was on everyone’s mind. We finally was able to get her father to come and give consent for the surgery(that was all he could do).
Yesterday, with the consent of her father, she went into the theatre. The surgery lasted for four hours and was successful. The surgery was exclusively and fully paid for by members of AG Worship Center Onitsha.
What else can make a pastor more proud?
I can’t wait to start our own hospital.
Do you think it’s possible?
Partners and ideas needed. My inbox is waiting.
God will bless every member of AG Worship Center Onitsha, that was part of saving miss Oluchi’s life. You and your families will continually live in sound health. Thanks to AG Worship Center Onitsha Medical Missions.