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Shocking! See How A Thief Walked Into A Shop And Stole iPhone Without People Noticing.

A thief walked into an office and stole a worker’s iPhone using a distraction technique.  The man can be seen entering Angel Homes and Lettings, on London Road in Southend, brandishing a large map.

He leaned over the desk of the worker, claiming to be asking for directions.

Colleagues of the man came over and helped – but what they don’t see is how he stole the phone under the map.

The letting agency shared CCTV of the incident as a warning to others.

“We will be eternally grateful if anyone can identify him?

“It appears he has been doing the same thing around lots of local businesses so please beware.”

Locals have said they are keeping an eye out for the crook.

Anambra man of the year award
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