A confirmed Investigation carried out by our technical department have revealed that Facebook now goes after pages, posts and group belonging to Biafra Supporters.
Currently they are targeting Media pages and profiles linking to Biafra .
A recent investigation carried out shows that Facebook has blocked over 20 accounts belonging or linking to Biafra within a week, Blocking and censoring Popular pages especially Media pages which talk more of Biafra.
What Exactly Do Facebook Intend To Achieve?
Some social commentators and Analyst says the Clampdown on Biafra publications is related to the fraternization of Mark Zuckerburg the CEO/ founder of Facebook with Nigeria government.
A source and a top government official in the media team of the presidency who crave for anonymity says Nigerian government is already clamping down on Biafra media teams and group by staging a secret media war targeted to stop IPOB from making Their demands heard across the world especially on Facebook.
No doubt, Facebook remains a greater tools of communicating to the world for those in IPOB circle.
According to this investigation, 85% of traffics coming from Biafra articles is through Facebook links .
Recently EbonyiDaily was blocked when attempting to share Biafra links through their website a security instructions pop up with the following message
The content you’re trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe:
Please remove this link to continue.
The rate in which Facebook goes after website that frequently talk of Biafra is alarming.
If this problem persists in the next few weeks bloggers and over 10milion Biafrans using Facebook will have no other alternatives than to pass a vote of no confidence on Facebook and consider it a radical racist social media.