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How Lady Caught Her Boyfriend Sleeping With Her Cousin After Tracking His Phone.

A man was caught cheating on his girlfriend with a family member after a tracking app was set up on his phone. Stan Stockton-Price, an offshore worker had set up the GPS device and had paired it with his girlfriend Milli Hansen’s phone so she could pinpoint him out at sea.

However, blundering Stan, 24,  had forgotten to deactivate his device once he had returned home, which exposed a secret liaison with his cousin Jess Gifford.

Speaking to Geraldine McKelvie and Jack Falber at the Sunday Mirror, 20-year-old Milli has spoken of her shock following the discovery.

She said: ‘I’ll never trust a man again after what he did. I was so shocked – no one ever expects to see that.’

The shop assistant agreed to look after Stan’s younger sister so both he and his mother could go to a family party.

However she became worried when his mother messaged her to say he had not turned up to the gathering.

Remembering the tracking system that had been set up on his phone, she followed it to his Stan’s aunt’s house.

It was then she caught Stan in the act with his cousin Jess.

She said; ‘I looked through the window and all I could see was stands clothes strewn all over the floor.  ‘Then I caught the sight of Jess topless – with Stan beneath her. ‘Their faces were a picture when I showed up at the door but I felt sick’.

Stan and Milli, from Grimsby, Lincolnshire had been together for two years after meeting at a party through mutual friends.

After she called Stan’s mum to come back from the party she stormed off and has not been in touch with Stan since

Anambra man of the year award
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Mr Chukwu Solomon is an Erudite Academic Researcher, An A Writer. Are You A Final Year Student Writing Project Proposal? Visit This Website To Choose Your Topics And Hire Professional Writers To Assist You ( http://schoolprojecttopics.com )

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