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Final Year Student And Only Son Slump And Dies During SUG Program In Anambra State. Photos

Students of Paul’s University Awka In Anambra State was yesterday thrown into endless tears as one of them slumped and pass on. The said tragedy took place exactly mid-day during their Students union programs.

According to an eye witness report, it was gathered that the young student by name Valentine Uchebo was a final year student of Accountancy department who was due to graduate next month July before his death.

The eyewitness said they were all together within the school premises when the incident occurred and was rushed to the school clinic where he was confirmed dead.

Valentine Uchebo is said to be his parents only surviving male child.

The students Union Government led by master Prince was contacted on the incident. He said;.

“Valentine Uchebo was one of us, he contributed immensely towards the successful leadership of this present student union government of Paul’s University. We can’t question God rather we pray that it pleases God to forgive his sins and avenge his sudden demise”

He went on to appeal to the general public invited for the schools students Union Government week celebration expected to hold on 20th June 2018 as the event has been suspended indefinitely.

Anambra man of the year award
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Mr Chukwu Solomon is an Erudite Academic Researcher, An A Writer. Are You A Final Year Student Writing Project Proposal? Visit This Website To Choose Your Topics And Hire Professional Writers To Assist You ( )

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