Akpukpa Primary School Uturu, witnessed a large turn out of supporters as Chief Amobi Godwin Ogah declared for Federal House Of Representatives for Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Federal Constituency (Green Chambers) in 2019 General Elections.
Addressing his party ward members, Chief Amobi said he felt loved over the large crowd that have expressed support for his ambition to represent them. He also solicited for their votes as the only way he could attain victory in the election come 2019.
High point of the event was the presentation of chief Amobi Ogah by his ward leader to the state chairman of APC who was represented by the State organising secretary, Chief Obiaham.
Obiaham expressed joy as he received Amobi as the first aspirant from the party to publicly declare for Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Federal Constituency. He expressed optimism that the party will emerge victorious.