As shared by our reader!!
I decided to share a personal experience from late 2015 in a Nigerian hospital. I was unwell as a result of an incident. I went to one hospital that was recommended by a friend, after seeing the doctor on duty, he got out a paper and wrote down a number of tests to be carried out. He gave me the paper and said, go to room XYZ and give this paper to the lab scientists, he will take blood samples and perform those tests. I knocked on the door and waited until a male voice from behind the door instructed me to come in.
I sat down with the man and while we were conversing and waiting for him to take blood samples, I noticed a big hard cover note (those long hard cover notes) not too far from where I was sitting, the note was open with a pen as if someone was writing just a few minutes before I got in, I was shocked and suddenly stoped talking when I noticed what was written boldly on the note “HIV REGISTER”. I couldn’t believe it because the note was large and had already gone past the middle with people’s names and dates written on it. Apparently, they always write down names and date of test on the book (a register of positive people from their blood test). They were even careless with the register because at some point, he briefly left to an inner room. I was frequenting the hospital for about 4 days and became friendly with one of the nurses, when my results finally came, I had something less serious, then I used the opportunity to ask my nurse friend about their HIV REGISTER, she said, her exact words “hmmm my dear, you will be surprise at the level of positive results coming out everyday, we just have to be careful”. – something along that line, not the exact words.
Though I sometimes talk dirty and I meet female friends every now and then but I can count how many times, I have had sex since then & UNPROTECTED SEX IS A COMPLETELY NO, NO FOR ME, NO MATTER HOW I FEEL ABOUT HER. I keep telling my friends that in my next serious relationship, we shall go for tests before sex.
Please guys, I am not making up stories & the hospital is still in existence. The point I am trying to make here is: PLEASE MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, LET US BE MORE CAREFUL ABOUT OUR SEXUAL HEALTH, PLEASE I BEG YOU in the name of God. Say NO to quick sex, dickk/virgina sucking or deep kisses. If you must have SEX, use GOOD condoms, under no circumstance should you have unprotected sex, don’t do deep kisses and licking of vigina and sucking peni.s, please don’t. Fore play should be limited to running your hands all over, playing with nipples, clitories etc but don’t EXCHANGE BODILY FLUID until you know each other’s status. Dating is very good, I also date but we must be careful, use your head, simple. At the end of the day, abstinence/great restrain/being careful & using your head are the best strategies for protection.