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Singer Kicks Man In The Face After Putting His Hand Between Her Legs On Stage

A singer kicked a man in the head after he put his hand between her legs while she was performing on stage. And now pop star Gebby Vesta is calling on clubs to better protect performers and says the attacker should not have been allowed to get so close.

In the disturbing clip the artist is performing in a nightclub in Central Java, Indonesia, when she crouched down on the walkway.

The man leant toward her but as Gebby pushed his hand away and went to stand up, he leered even closer and touched her between her legs.

The 32-year-old singer and DJ dealt out her own swift punishment – using her high heeled leather boots to kick the man in the head.

He was quickly removed from the club and Gebby used the incident which took place in December to warn people not to assault women just because they are on stage.

She said: “I kicked his face and my heart was still not satisfied.”What he did was not appropriate.”Wearing sexy clothes is part of the job I do.”The nightclub expect this as part of the contract when they hire you.”But it doesn’t mean that people can touch whatever they want to.”

She added: “I was disappointed that the nightclub security staff did not remove the man before this happened and allowed him the space to do this.

“I could have caused a lot more problems and complaints after the incident but the club has apologised to me personally.”I want the video to be a lesson for other club to ensure their staff are treated with respect.

“I have been all around Indonesia singing and never been treated so rudely by a guest.”

Anambra man of the year award
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