Biafrans, penny wise, pound foolish is a non-failing end that lies in stock for an ungrateful, impatient and unstrategic person in life. The road to a genuine freedom is so slim and slippery, demands absolute carefulness and unparalleled spirit of discernment to make it to the end.
“Penny wise, pound foolish,” is a saying that defines the moment Biafrans are facing. When IPOB was at her embryo, they contended against assorted stoppages both in spiritual and physical realms, and they came out victorious. Still, today, as powerless as they may seem to look in the eyes of the ordinary person, this set of unique freedom fighters has virtually brought the Nigerian government to a standstill and has succeeded in setting her deceptive media outlets ablaze.
There is always a strong foundational base to any good structure. When one step is missed, the structure will face dissolution or total abolition. Now that IPOB has transited over its fetus and now protruding, carefulness is needed. The leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, before his incarceration, trumpeted that the structure that shall usher the people into freedom has already been set up. This structure is to be followed periodically. It does not matter how long it will take, only be strong and resolute.
There are no easy or fast ways to freedom. This set of IPOB leadership was made in a laboratory and with the mandate of Heaven to restore Biafra. Reason being that, this epic leadership has been consciously and systematically leading the people all through these injurious years of great treachery, sabotage, pain and misery without making a costly mistake which could have made the perfectly oiled life cycle of the group to hit roadblock.
Biafrans, it is said that a cow does not know the value of its tail until it is cut off. There are no better option except the one at hand. A known devil, they say, is better than unknown angel. Why must this leadership coalesce with anybody especially at this critical stage when they are heating the government hard. Are they to join the coalition of all these politically-infested mushroom pro-Biafra groups whose treachery and sabotage is unequaled? No! Biafrans, we have pennied wise, let us not pound foolish now.
Patience remains the key. Wait for the right time to strike. Anger is one thing that is made better by delay. That the tiger prowls along quietly does not mean it is timid. Our elders says that when a man is dancing, that it is the ovation of the spectators that will tell him when he is doing well. The successful 30th May Sit-At-Home compliance has proven that the structure which includes the leader and the deputy, the Directorates Of States (DOS) and all the Biafran people are doing well and needs no coalition. When the barking dog is ready to bite, nothing can stop it, when the whirlwind is ready to blow, it shall not even spare the crowd of dignitaries. Biafrans, do not be afraid of the shell of the tortoise (Nigeria).