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Female Russian Politician Warns Women Not To Sleep With Foreigners Attending World Cup

A female politician is warning Russian women against being too friendly with foreigners just as the World Cup is set to begin today.

Tamara Pletnyova said in an interview with Govorit Moskva radio station Russian women should abstain from sex with foreigners visiting the country for the tournament, citing concerns about a possible spike in single-parent families.

The Family, Women and Children Affairs Committee chairwoman warned that “nothing good will come out of . . . the inappropriate behavior of Russian women.”

According to Reuters, the politician was responding to a question about the “Children of the Olympics,” a term used in Russia to describe mixed-race children conceived after the 1980 Moscow Summer Games.

“There will be girls who meet men, and then they will give birth. Maybe they will get married, maybe they won’t. These children will later suffer and have suffered in the Soviet era,” Pletnyova said in a quote translated by The Independent.

Pletnyova’s concerns come one month after the Argentine Football Association came under fire for distributing a booklet to World Cup-bound sports reporters, which included a chapter entitled “How to stand a chance with a Russian girl.”

Meanwhile, companies involved in this year’s World Cup — including FIFA and Russian Railways — are having employees take classes to learn how to smile and make tourists feel more welcome.

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