Krestofficial a Kuwait-base-Nigerian socialite shows off his well furnished apartment.
Krestofficial is best known for his luxurious lifestyle he lives both home and abroad.
The hard working socialites has taste for good things as he is highly fashionable, he loves buying expensive drinks which worth millions of Naira, likewise when he visits clubs. He currently bought himself the prestigious Patek wrist watch which worth millions of Naira.
He was once spotted with Nigerian celebrities @HenryKnight @soft_official @airboyradoand many others in Kaduna.
In quest to promote fashion in Africa krestofficial will be launching his clothing line #BELIEVE soon.
According to sources the clothing line #BELIEVE store will be launched next week and will feature high grade clothes made out of quality components.
#BELIEVE The latest and most admired styles in clothes won’t be an exception.
_Get familiar with him_ @KrestOfficial
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