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56-Year-Old Nigerian Virgin Shares How She Kept Herself For Her Husband (Photos)

Grace is the wife of the immediate past General Evangelist of the Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide, Prophet Samuel Abiara, she got married in March 2018, as a virgin at 56.

She shares some of her experiences;

How would you describe your childhood?

I grew up in Ikole Ekiti even though I was born in Ondo Town. At an early age, I was ‘posted’ to Ikole to live with my grandmother. The reason I used the word ‘posted’ was because I was sent to Ikole on a market day and I was placed in the care of one of those drivers who left Ondo for Ekiti to buy kola nuts. The driver was charged with delivering me to my grandmother.

Why did your parents send you to live with your grandmother?

My grandmother had only two children; my mother and her elder brother. At the time, my uncle did not have a child and I was the first girl in my family, so I was sent to my grandmother to be with her. I stayed there for a while till I came back to Ondo to start my primary school at CAC Primary School, Oke Isegun.

Have you always been a born-again Christian or something prompted you into this lifestyle?

I have been a born-again Christian right from my childhood days and all my siblings and I were born at the CAC Mission House. My father was one of the elders at CAC, Oke Isegun.

Being a pretty young lady, weren’t you ever pressured by friends to probably backslide by indulging in things like partying and the likes?{/b]

I have never been tempted to backslide. What has been keeping me going is that I know that there is God. Everybody in life has been faced with one form of temptation or the other but for me, I noticed everything was going on fine with me apart from the issue of marriage. I told myself that if God could perform wonders in other spheres of my life, he would do it for me when it comes to marriage; I waited patiently on the Lord and he made other things available for me.

[b]Was it that suitors did not come to seek your hand in marriage or no man of God approached you for marriage?

You can see what happened in the life of Abraham, Sarah and Haggai. That is the perfect example of my life. Despite my age, I did not go against the word of God. Immediately the Holy Spirit said something about a particular suitor, I listened. Everyone that came was rejected by the Holy Spirit. I prayed myself; I did not need to meet any man of God. When my husband asked me to marry him, I talked to God and the revelation came without any delay. Immediately, I called my prophet who told me he would call me back after some days. When he called me, he told me that God approved of the marriage.

Does it mean that the devil tried to derail you?

Yes, because it got to a stage where the devil started telling me that was it not obvious that I was ageing and kept urging me to settle for anyone that came my way. But immediately I prayed to God about it, I had to remind God that He is the only one with a perfect answer and He is a good God and my case would not prove him to be a liar.

Was there any time you actually gave up on love and marriage?

I never gave up. There is an annual programme in MFM which holds around my birthday. I remember telling God a year before I got married that I had never asked Him for a birthday gift but He should give me my own birthday gift by granting my heart desire last year. Before the end of the year my prayer was answered.

Did you not face pressure from family to settle down especially when you were getting past 40 years?

I faced a lot of pressure but I had God on my side. I faced pressure to the extent that my family, friends began to tell me to marry just anybody even if the person was not a Christian. Anytime I got such advice, all I used to say was ‘okay’. I never fought them because I knew that it was borne out of the love and care they felt towards me. If they did not care, they would just be watching me.
For instance, one of my bosses in the office advised me to change my church but I had to tell her that the issue on ground was not about church. I told her that when God finished with me, everything would be a thing of the past

Did you not feel pressured personally especially when your younger siblings got married and began to bear children?

No, I did not feel any form of personal pressure. I brought up all my younger ones even with their children. I helped raise my younger sister’s first child till she got married.

How did you meet your husband?

It was by divine intervention; everything was prepared by God. When I say that we met through divine intervention, it is beyond human reasoning. It is beyond human imagination.
But for a divine intervention to occur, God has to use people. Was it a case of match-making through a mutual friend?
We did not meet through match-making. I had initially said that there was a prophecy about 13 years ago that I would get married to a man of God; so when it happened, I was not surprised.

Does it mean that you have plans to bear children?

As the Lord lives, I would. What age was Sarah when she had her child? She was in her 90s, I am just in my 50s, so what are we saying. The God that did it for Sarah then is still the same God. He does not change.

So that means you are still looking forward to having children?

Yes, by God’s grace.

How were you able to keep your virginity for that long?

Throughout my university days, I was never one of those girls that had s#x with lecturers to pass their courses. I was always adequately prepared and I could stay in the classroom till 2am before I got back to the hostel to sleep. If a lecturer scheduled an early morning class, after reading I would sleep in the classroom despite the noise and after the early morning lecture, I would return to my hostel. When God prepares a person for a certain journey in life, you would not know but he would give you the strength and knowledge required for the journey.


Anambra man of the year award
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