By Wisdom Nwedene
For the past few days, the Internet has been set ablaze after popular Nigerian Blogger, Linda Ikeji shocked her fans and revealed that she is pregnant.
There is no doubt that Linda Ikeji has actually worked hard to achieve whatever she has at the moment. She has followers and is a role model to some people.
Linda Ikeji has always preached about celibacy and has many times maintained that she is a celibate which is good but left me in shock when she got pregnant and decided to defend what she meant by being a celibate.
According to her,
“I preached celibacy to young girls because I feel that’s the right way to live until you meet someone very special that you love & who loves you and wants to be in a committed relationship with you “.
Also, some people have also defended her and supported Linda Ikeji for getting pregnant before marriage. The person that shocked me is Daddyfreeze that even went as far as using Bible verses to defend her.
Daddyfreeze where is your conscience? I know you are friend with Linda Ikeji but that does not mean you should try to defend what is bad for it to look as if it is good. My respect for you has gone because of this!
Now let’s talk about celibacy, who is a celibate?
According to Oxford advanced learners dictionary,
“a celibate is someone who is not married and not having sex, especially for religious reasons “.
” Celibacy, a person who has chosen not to marry, a person who never has sex “.
So, I don’t know whether Linda Ikeji understood what celibacy entails before preaching about it to our young girls.
To Daddyfreeze, the 1 Corinthians 6: 18 says,” Flee from sexual immorality! Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body”
And 1 Corinthians 7 : 2 reveals what someone who wants to have sex should do. It says, ” but because of the prevalence of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband give to his wife her due, and let the wife also do likewise to her husband”.
Linda Ikeji has not married and the Bible clearly states that she should get married for her to start having sex!
Finally, Linda Ikeji has to apologize to her fans and move on. Nobody is above mistake and Daddyfreeze should shut up and stop defending immorality!
(Wisdom Nwedene is a writer, freelancer, newspaper editor : Contact :