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Oil Company Staff Killed After Being Kidnapped In Port-Harcourt. Photo

The death of a staff at Agip oil company, Amadike Chinasa, has thrown his family, friends and colleagues into lament. According to information gathered, the married married man who is from Omoku in Rivers – was kidnapped from his residence in Port-Harcourt, the state capital and later killed by his captors.

His death was announced by Osiah Chinedu Ojukwu who took to Facebook to write;


Chinasa, who did this to you? Who killed you? I was with you on Tuesday in Omoku , we discussed extensively, you appreciated our efforts in ensuring that peace returned back to ONELGA, you said “no place like home”, you bought drink for me without me requesting, you promised we will see when next you come, but I never knew I was having the last discussion with you.

It shocked me when I received a call this morning that you have been killed in Port Harcourt for reasons I can’t imagine. 
Who ever did this to you will never escape the same measure in a shortest time, Amen.

Anambra man of the year award
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