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Opinion: Senate President Saraki Is a Tyrant. Senate Deserve The Hoodlum Attack

By life2017

Senate President Bukola Saraki has been operating like a tyrant and a dictator. Senators are given mandate by their constituencies and not by the senate president or senate committee on ethics. Senators are suppose to be opinion shapers.

Under Saraki, most of the senators have been intimidated by the senate president. The freedom of speech, freedom to agree and disagree of the senators are under attack. The senate is suppose to be a place of diverse opinion. But Saraki want to turn the senate to a single opinion chamber.

Any senator who disagree with Bukola Saraki is either suspended or removed from his committee position. He is running the senate like a thug or an emperor.

I follow united state senate and congress, US senators openly attack, disagree and question the senate and house leadership . They write articles against senate and congress leaders. They grant interview criticising the senate and house leaders. I have never see a case where they are suspended because of that. Even in the UK where the Prime minister is the head of parliament and the head of govt, member of parliaments openly oppose, criticise and attack the prime ministers. members of parliament dont get suspended for that.

Try and watch UK parliament on BBC, members of parliaments oppose and shout even when the leader of parliament is speaking. Member of parliament hold media conferences and oppose the leader of parliament. Why is Saraki against any opposition in the senate? Why is he suspending any opposition voice to his position?

Saraki need to be cut to size. You cannot just suspend a senator who was voted in by thousand /millions of its constituent. What the senate president is doing is a coup against Nigeria democracy.

Civil organisations need to protest and demand the sack of Saraki as senate president. He is too power drunk. He is bringing disgrace to the Nigeria senate.

A senate president is like a Class prefect. He is the head among equals. He should stop acting like one emperor.

The youth, men and women of delta state should storm the senate and ensure no plenary can hold until Senator Omo Agege is allowed to seat. The senate has no power to deny any part of delta state fair representation.

Saraki has become a monster because Buhari doesn’t believe in bribing senators with money. Because Buhari is not sharing money and Ghana must go, the senators have become a slave to saraki because he controls the payment of thier excessive running cost.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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