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How women will overthrow us if given too much opportunity – Reps member, Kazaure [VIDEO]

Member, House Representatives from Jigawa State, Gudaji Kazaure, has warned that women will overthrow men if given too much opportunity.



Kazaure, who represents Kazaure/Roni/Gwiwa/Yankwashi constituency, said women already, “control men at home.”

Speaking during plenary, yesterday, Kazaure said, ”It is good to give women opportunities in politics, entrepreneurship because of the good role they play in our lives.

”My fear is, the women control the men at home, if you give them too much opportunity outside the house, they will capture everything.

“If you give them too much chance, one day, they will overthrow us. One day you will come here and find women everywhere in this chamber and they will mess up.”

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