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Lady Insures Her Famous Backside In Order To Protect It From ‘All Risks’. Photos

A weathergirl who has been labelled ‘Argentina’s sexiest’ has insured her bum in a bid to protect it from “all risks”. The lady identified as Sol Perez insured her bum for £72,000 GBP (2million Argentine Pesos) after finding a company who was willing to offer a suitable settlement for her most-prized asset.

The 24-year-old is a huge Latin America media star and is considered the sexiest weathergirl in her home country of Argentina.

The blonde bombshell appears on TyC Sports channel and has millions of social media followers.

Perez’s saucy snaps often receive hundreds of thousands of likes and comments, while her weather forecasts are said to be so popular that they make men late for work.

The model’s pert behind usually takes centre-stage in all images, therefore Perez has decided to insure it against “all risks”.

The star will receive a hefty payout should anything happen to it.

Anambra man of the year award
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