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Obsessed Woman Gets Tattoo Of Jose Mourinho As A ‘Valentine’s Gift’ To Him. (Photos)

A 60-year-old woman who is obsessed with Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho has dedicated her Valentines’ Day to the football manager – by getting her 35th tattoo of him down her arm. Vivien Bodycote, is reportedly covered from head-to-toe in over 35 portraits of her favourite football star.

So for Valentine’s Day this year, Viv thought it was only right to get another tattoo dedicated to her ‘one true love’.

The tattoo shows a side profile of the Manchester United boss’ face in a red love heart, which is situated on her left shoulder.

According to reports, despite being married to husband Tony, 78, the gran-of-four admits that she would ditch her husband to be with Mourinho.

Tony is so supportive of Viv’s obsession that he spent £140 on her most recent tattoo as a Valentines present for his wife.

Viv, from Hinckley, Leicestershire, said to Mirror Online: “I decided to dedicate my Valentine’s Day to Jose because I simply love him. “It was a present for Valentine’s Day from my husband, so that I could spend the day with Jose as well as him.

“Tony and I are planning on taking my full size Jose mannequin out for dinner to celebrate our Valentine’s Day. “My body is almost fully covered with Jose tattoos, but I won’t stop until there’s no space left! “He gives me the hots, so why wouldn’t I have him all over my body?”

Viv has been getting tattoos of football manager, Jose Mourinho, for the past two years and her collection has continued to grow.

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