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Islamic groups blows hot, threatens to fight and kill more people after this happened

Prominent Women Organisations within and outside Lagos State, have moved against discrimination and molestation of women in Islamic flowing head cover, Hijab.
The Organisations led by Al-Mu’minaat (The Believing Women) made this known during a rally held to commemorate the 2018 World Hijab Day, WHD, at the Gani Fawehinmi Freedom Park, at the weekend.
Al-Muminaat Lagos State Amirah Hajia Khadijah AbdusSalam said Nigeria as a nation must be fair on matters affecting Muslim women who chose to appear in Hijab as the organisation will continue to engage relevant stakeholders to ensure that the right of every Muslim woman in hijab is actualised.
She said there should be no discrimination against Muslim women based on their appearance as she enjoined employers of labour to carry out employment based on competence and intelligence,adding that the programme with the theme: My Hijab! My Right was meant to enlighten Nigerians.
The congregation included Al-Mu’minaat (The Believing Women) Organisation, Federation of Muslim Women Association of Nigeria, FOMWAN, Nasrullahil Fatih, NASFAT and the Muslim Student’s Society of Nigeria, MSSN and other Muslim Organisations.
Women Leader AbusSalam further cautioned government agencies and institutions like the immigration service, schools and other parastatals against harassment of women in hijab, adding that every woman has the right to choose how she wants to appear in the public.
“Some of us have the conviction on Hijab already but no doubt, the enlightenment created last year has further convinced more people about the importance of Hijab which is for identification and respect. Islam is a religion of peace and this reflects even in our mode of greetings and even, dress,” AbdusSalam stated.
The Women Leader of NASFAT, Samiat Mumuni said the outer garment of a Muslim lady is her pride in line with injunction from the Quran which should be respected by all authorities in Nigeria.

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Onele is an activist, also one of the Biafra media warriors. A disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader of IPOB and director of Radio Biafra. #FreeBiafra #BiafraReferendum

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