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Bobrisky Recounts How A Man Sexually Harassed Him In A Mall

Following MTV Base’ presenter, Kudiratu Olayinka’s story about being harassed by two men at a restaurant in Lekki, Lagos, King of Snapchat, Bobrisky has been raging in fury and has seized the opportunity to narrate a similar experience he had and how he dealt with it.

The tv personality whom yesterday told of how she got groped by two men wrote:

“I woke up this morning still upset about what took place last night. We used to raise men, but now-a-days there seems to be more “animals” roaming the streets. I want to say that I was shocked by the actions of those two “animals,” or by the bystanders, or by the staff and security of @theplacelekki who said and did nothing; but I wasn’t. I wasn’t even shocked by the females who were there laughing and telling me that “what is small pressing yansh?” We as Nigerians have become so numb to the injustice and harassment that befalls woman everyday in this country. Even when it is directly in our face we laugh it off or shift blame. Thanks to the few good men like @djspinall and @luskimayana that we still have left. Nigerians have to do better. I don’t know these “animals” at all, but they thought it was their “right” to grab my ass. It was not, but it is my right to speak up. As it is every woman’s right. Don’t let their ignorance silence you. #KOlaKronicles #Kueening #JourneyToHappy”

So Bobrisky repulsed by the attitude of these men towards the O.A.P took to Snapchant to rant about it, charging girls to move about with pepper sprays, acid etc and in the same vein he narrated his experience at a mall, he wrote;

Anambra man of the year award
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Mr Chukwu Solomon is an Erudite Academic Researcher, An A Writer. Are You A Final Year Student Writing Project Proposal? Visit This Website To Choose Your Topics And Hire Professional Writers To Assist You ( http://schoolprojecttopics.com )

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