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IPOB Extends Her Humanitarian Services, Complete Treatment Of Victim Of Operation Python Dance II (PHOTOS)

IPOB Extends Her Humanitarian Services, Complete Treatment Of Victim Of Operation Python Dance II (PHOTOS)
IPOB Leadership through the Victim Support Officer in South-East/South-South Region has completed the treatment of her member who was a victim of Operation Python Dance 2 in the south eastern region.
It was indeed a gory scene when there was sporadic shooting at Umuahia in the home town of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the leader Of IPOB which took the eye of the IPOB member simply identify as Ajeh Friday hence he was taken for a surgery says IPOB Victim support Officer Prisca C. Okehi.
IgbereTv understands that after a while it happened that the victimized member started receiving pains which he put a distress call across and the Leadership of IPOB took it as a priority in making sure that every necessary things are done for him to be normal again.
However, an artificial Eye/Eye Glass has been performed, courtesy to the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu IPOB



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