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Biafra: DSS funding Nnamdi Kanu – Ralph Uwazuruike

​Leader of the Biafra Independence Movement, BIM, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike has revealed those funding the Nnamdi Kanu led Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB.

Uwazuruike, who formed Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, now led by Comrade Uchenna Madu, alleged that the Department of State Service, DSS, was funding Kanu and his followers.

He also accused the DSS of arranging Nnamdi Kanu’s arrest just to bring him (Uwazuruike) down and make him unpopular.

“If Nigeria could not intimidate me, who is Kanu? I just gave him time to fool himself. It’s just like a father fighting his son”, Uwazuruike to Sun.

“The idea of republic of Biafra was to enlighten the people. When I came out of prison, I felt I needed a radio to enlighten the people and the Federal Government.

“Before Radio Biafra, I had a radio in America called Voice of Biafra International, in 2001. Then there was no Internet exposure like Facebook and Whatsapp.

“We were then in South Africa with Emejuru but Nnamdi Kanu convinced me to come to London. But no sooner we started than Nigeria’s security apparatchik persuaded him to bring down the struggle.

“They had tried it with me without success; they also failed with Ambrose Anyaso, who was with me in detention. When the Department of State Security, DSS, could not get him to pull me down, they turned to Kanu, who wanted money and fame.

“Immediately I noticed this, I stopped funding him. So, he started getting his funds from the DSS directly. The idea was to bring me down and make me unpopular.

“When I noticed that, I kept quiet because I knew him very well; he does not have capacity but they did not know that he did not have the capacity but I knew he would fail at the end of the day.

“His arrest was arranged by the DSS. It was meant to divert attention from MASSOB to IPOB. Even his release was stage-managed.

“No senator deposited one dime anywhere; that is why he is violating all the conditions. How could he violate all the conditions and he is left alone? Even the northern youths coalition is stage-managed.

“What Kanu does not know is American diplomacy, which props you up, only to bring you down. The northern coalition was created to checkmate him.”

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Damilola is a full time journalist/writer/freelancer and blogger.

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