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Prophet Has Sex With His Church Member's Wife And Threatens To Kill Him (photos)

“When I asked him why he was not paying the money like he promised he threatened to kill me or to make me poor. Akati ane simba rekundinamatira kuti ndife kana kuti ndiite murombo. Anototyisa nekuti muporofita.

“I was really disappointed because this man used to pray for us as a family. I did not know that he was eyeing my wife all along. He was our family prophet. I did not realise that relying on him for our spiritual lives was a gate pass for him to have sex with my wife.

“He is a menace to the church and to the society as a whole. My wife told me that when she first slept with Benjamin it was at his house where he had called her for prayers. She said she eventually got used to sleeping with him.

“Ndohunhu hwake he does that to women who have rich husbands. He asked my wife to sell one of our houses and runaway with him. He is a greedy person he loves money too much. Both Benjamin and Febbie confessed their affair before other congregants.

“Right now Benjamin is saying hapana zvatomuita and he is not going to stop prophesying and anyone who writes the story will die.

Lewis said Benjamin has to pay back the lobola he paid like he promised.

He also said he was hurt because Benjamin whom he believed to be a true prophet proved that he was a fake prophet who was only after money.

The cheated man said his family has been destroyed by a person who claims to be a true prophet of God.

Efforts to reach Benjamin and Febbie were fruitless as their mobile phones went unanswered by the time of going to print.

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David Olorunsiwa is a student of kogi state university studying business administration and a very passionate blogger. you can contact through this 08132909269

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