letter said, confirmed it.
“It described this as a very significant and ugly development that demonstrated deep seated wide spread disbelieve in one Nigeria of equal citizenship for all by people of Northern Nigeria both young and old . The letter noted that arrival at this point indicated that parting of ways, peaceful separation of Biafra from Nigeria is here now.”
The petition also noted that it was the Igbo people who, in practical terms, had demonstrated their belief in one Nigeria, saying that they lived and invested heavily in every part of the country. Whereas, according to the petition, “there is little or no worthwhile investments in Igbo land by Hausa/Fulani of Northern Nigeria or Yorubas of the Western Nigeria.
“The existence of both peaceful and violent agitations in various parts of the country is a clear indication of generalized discontent. The amalgamation of the country in 1914 has become a marriage in which the partners are not happy and appear irreconcilable. The peaceful dissolution of the marriage (amalgamation) is the most prudent thing to do, rather than persist till these agitations spin out of control with destruction of lives of properties and loss of life in thousands or millions again. Since the Igbo people are so hated and badly treated by some other Nigerians, the only fair thing to do is to let them be separated from the rest of Nigeria before it is too late.
“We agree that living in a big country like Nigeria has some advantages. But if security of life and property is not assured in a big country, then it is far better to live in a smaller country and be alive,” the petition further read.
The elders told the international community that they had noted the recent attempts by Scotland to pull out of the United Kingdom after centuries of the union. That the Great Britain voted to pull out of the European Union after several years of membership. They said they also recalled the the break-up of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, the carving out of independent countries out of Union of Socialist Soviet Russia (U.S.S.R) and the recent creation of East Timor, and so on.
They said in the petition that it was because of the Igbo wish to have peaceful carving out of Biafra from Nigeria that the Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra, took the Federal Government of Nigeria to Nigeria’s Federal High Court sitting in Owerri, Imo State, for declaration on the rights of indigenous people to self determination. They said the case was still ongoing.
“We are happy that the United States of America is a champion of democracy and democratic principles hence this appeal to you to help us before it is too late. We hereby appeal to you and through you to the American Congress (Senate and House of Representatives), American Government and American people to save us, the Igbo people of South Eastern Nigeria numbering over 40 million people both at home and outside Igbo land from these series of senseless killings and threats to extermination, before it is too late.
The delegation was also said to have visited Martin Luther King’s Centre for discussion with the management of the Centre on peaceful and lawful process for self determination for people who strongly felt shortchanged. (DAILY SUN)