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See Photos Of Armed Robber Killed Today By Enugu State Police


The Enugu state command of the Nigeria Police Force in its renewed onslaught/manhunt against the daredevil who are torn on the flesh of the members of the public in the early hours of 31/7/17 through its operatives of the TransEkulu Division of the Nigeria Police Force encountered suspected hoodlums numbering about four through a distress call in which the operatives responded swiftly.

It was gathered that suspects armed with a pump action riffle had allegedly gone to a house situated at Onuakpa street Transekulu Enugu from where they allegedly broke into the owners house and allegedly robbed occupants of their valuables and thereafter was about abducting and whisking away one of the occupants of the house, a 76 year old mercy chijioke in her own car before the operatives of the Trans Ekulu Division who responded swiftly to the distress call that was raised encountered and in the ensuing gun battle, one of the suspects was gun down and later confirmed dead while others were fatally injured and arrested.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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