An 18-year-old final year Senior High School (SHS) student in Ghana whose name was only given as Alex has narrated how the craze for money and material wealth made it possible for an old man to lure him into occultism.
According to Adom News , the young boy claiming to possess demonic power on Asempa FM’s mid morning show, Abrabo hosted by Maame Akua Austin said he now wants to quit.
Narrating his story, the young boy said he got the evil power when he met an old man on his way to church Sunday morning.
“Just as I was about to enter the church, an old man approached me and asked for me money for food, when I gave him my offering, he gave me a chain made with cowries and asked me recite anything I need and it will be done”. He also said due to my parents, I should always go the cemetery, forest or the beach to do the ritual” he noted.
The naïve young man said he happily accepted it but when he turned to thank the old man, he had vanished.
Alex said his life took a different turn after that encounter and now an occult, has marine and dwarf spirits.
“At first, it was very exciting using the powers because I use it to help my friends lure girls who hitherto did not given in to their proposals, help people to defraud foreigners which is popularly known as sakawa and disappear any time I want” he stated.
But now, Alex said his education and future is at risk because the spirits don’t allow him to rest. What he never did, the 18-year-old boy said is to kill people for rituals.
“I can be in class and disappear because the dwarfs need me and the same time the marine spirits also need my services. I’m now confused and need urgent help” he bemoaned.