It is now customary for average Nigeria Politicians to exult themselves above the same people they falsely claim to serve thus arrogating themselves to such a seemingly exaulted position that there final downfall becomes like that of the proverbial tortoise that its back shattered into pieces.
This is a case of a poor man that left for greener pastures and sojourned to far away West (Yoruba land) for more than 35 years but upon returning, he decided to do what every real man Igbo land does to be acknowledged a full-fledged man but unfortunately, some persons who have not excelled in Local Government Politics but have resorted to village terrorism took him for dead and laid claim on his only inheritance from his ancestors to his late father.
Today our POLITICIANS are not satisfied that they’ve embezzled and looted our treasury dry but they also come home to intimidate us, maim us, threaten us, use state apparatus on us, exact their political influence on us or even try to kill us to forcefully acquire all our pieces of Landed Properties.
Mr. Ephraim Onuigbo of Umu-nri kindred in Obagu village of Agukwu-Nri is the bonafied owner of the ancestral piece of land located in an area known as Ana-ikpa Agu or Ana Ugwu in Umu-Nri kindred, Obeagu Village in Agukwu-Nri Town in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State by inheritance from his father. Chuka Okpoko and his Thugs chased out the Caterpillar driver, warning him not to come to work thereon. He also threatened he would burn down the Caterpillar if any further development was done on the land. The entire Community knows only Mr. Ephraim Onuigbo as the sole and rightful owner of the land in question. Chuka Okpoko has never approached Mr. Ephraim Onuigbo over any land dispute ab-initio.
Furthermore, the Eze-Nri (Supreme King) of NRI Kingdom through the Land Committee have warned Chuka Okpoko to desist henceforth from his habit of claiming poor men’s land on the premise of weakness and incapacitation and have affirmed orally and formally that this particular land in question which extends to the stream belongs to Mr. Ephraim Onuigbo who is the rightful owner of the Land in question by inheritance as his “ala obi” and that Hon. Sir. Chuka Okpoko has no parcel of land near there NLR do they share common boundary.
On the 10th day of July 2017, Hon. Sir Chuka Okpoko told one Mr. Raphael Mezuo that he is only intimidating our Client Ephraim Onuigbo which will end if our client paid him the sum of #500,000.The suspect Hon. Sir Chuka Okpoko has no land around the boundary of our clients inherited land and is only using his attained political position to intimidate members of his village which our client is no exception.These hoodlums have vowed to pull
down our Client’s house and to attack
members of his family and any worker he may employ should he report matter to the police. Hon. Sir. Chuka Okpoko, a Former Vice Chairman Anaocha LGA boasted that as a former Local Government Vice Chairman, the local Police at Neni (nearest Police station to Agukwu-Nri) are under his pay roll and would not arrest him nor any of his thugs. Consequent upon their threat to our client and some members of our Client’s family and onsite workers (Caterpillar Operators)
now living in hiding and could no longer go about their legitimate businesses for being attacked since they (his Thugs) carry guns unchallenged by anybody. Chuka Okpoko (Former Vice Chairman, Anaocha LGA) and gang are equally boasting
they would kidnap our Client’s workers (Caterpillar operators) working at the Land in question
should they fail to evacuate a land our client duly inherited from his Father.
Morover, The land in question belongs to Nri-anuo Royal family, which Nri-anuo family gave to him as his inheritance. Hon. Sir. Chuka Okpoko who is in the habit of forceful acquisition of indigenous lands in Obeagu village, Agukwu Nri is NOT in any way part of the Nri-anuo Royal family nor does he in any manner have any ties therewith. And in furtherance to pressing home our demands, we have also petitioned The Honourable Commissioner of Police, Anambra State and The Assistant Inspector General of Police, Zone 9, Umuahia, Abia State respectively on this same purpose so as to follow due process as law abiding citizens of Agukwu-Nri, NRI kingdom
We are by this write up calling the relevant authorities and the Eze Nri to use your good offices to bring the above mentioned persons to book, broker peace and stop Hon. Chuka Okpoko and his cohorts from unwittingly intimidating, molesting and forcefully grabbing tje landed property of his kit and kins and indigenes of Umu-Nri Kindred, Obeagu Village in Agukwu-Nri, NRI Kingdom. This he must do if he wants to save his face and political career that’s already in shreds.
We are by this petition seeking the assistance of the Eze NRI and the relevant authorities to put an end to this dastardly act and criminal conduct of Hon. Sir. Chuka Okpoko so as to forestall further break down of law and order.
We are hope these culprits will retrace their steps as a stitch in time saves Nine.
Chief Dominic Ogwunoba
Mazi Ilodiuba Onuigbo
Mr Rapheal Mezuo