Ref: InterSoc/002/02/016/Security/Chiefs/ABJ/NG
(a)Abdulrahman Bello Dambazzzau, PhD
Honourable Minister of Interior, Federal Ministry of Interior
Old Secretariat, Area 1, Garki, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
(b)Major General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin
Chief of Defense Staff, the Defense Headquarters
FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
Ceaseless Killing Of Unarmed Citizens In Nigeria: Why Security Chiefs
Must Desist From Provoking More Insurgencies Capable Of Plunging
Nigeria Into Syrian Styled Violence
ALSO READ: BREAKING!!! Buhari Declares War on Niger Delta Militants; Deploys Troops to the Region
(Onitsha Nigeria, 16th February 2016)-The leadership of International
Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Intersociety) writes your two
important public offices concerning the above named subject. This letter is also
adopted and supported by other nine group-members of the Southeast Based
Coalition of Human Rights Organizations (SBCHROs); comprising:
Anambra State Branch of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), Center
for Human Rights & Peace Advocacy (CHRPA), Human Rights Club (a
project of LRRDC)(HRC), Forum for Justice, Equity & Defense of Human
Rights (FJEDHR), Society Advocacy Watch Project (SPAW), Anambra
ALSO READ: BREAKING NEWS!!! Gun Men Abduct Former President Jonathan’s ‘Father’ in Otuoke
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
Human Rights Forum (AHRF), Southeast Good Governance Forum
(SGGF), International Solidarity for Peace & Human Rights Initiative
(ITERSOLIDARITY) and Igbo Ekunie Initiative (pan Igbo rights
advocacy group).
ALSO READ: Nnamdi Kanu’s Incarceration: My Experience in Prison – Obasanjo
Government Announcement Of Violent Crackdown On Pro-Biafran
Agitators: We wish to recall, Sirs that the Nigerian Army had on November 16,
2015 announced a violent crackdown on those who are peacefully and non-
violently agitating for their constitutional and treaty rights to self-
determination, development, existence, peaceful assembly, association, personal
liberty, movement, life, dignity of human person, expression and fair hearing.
These rights are fully guaranteed by the 1999 Constitution in its Chapter Four
(Fundamental Human Rights) as well as by various international human rights
treaties particularly the African Charter on Human & Peoples Rights of 1981,
ratified and domesticated by Nigeria in 1983 and the International Covenant on
Civil & Political Rights of 1976, ratified by Nigeria in 1993. These rights are
constitutionally and conventionally exercisable by all citizens provided they are
exercised peacefully and non-violently. They are also mandatorily protected and
safeguarded by the State, African Union and the United Nations.
The leading group in this context is the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and
millions of its supporters in Nigeria and overseas. The Army’s announcement,
which was restated by your office (CDS) on behalf of the Nigerian Military, is
contained in the following link:
biafra-protests-army-warns-ipob-massob-others-against-secession.html. On 1st
December 2015.
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
ALSO READ: JUST IN!!! Over 1,000 Joint Security Operatives Comb Creeks, Hotels in Search of Tompolo
As if that was not enough, Sirs, the Inspector General of Police, IGP Solomon
Arase, on 2nd December 2015 issued a stern warning and directed his
subordinate officers in the Southeast and the South-south zones to apply
maximum (deadly violence) force against the pro-Biafran self-determination
agitators particularly the IPOB and its teaming supporters. The said order of 2nd
December 2015 is contained in the following link:
anti-riot-force-to-maximally-restrain-pro-biafra-protesters. The IGP had earlier
threatened to use deadly violence to crack down the peaceful and non-violent
protests under reference. The threat was issued during his live program on
Channels Television in Lagos State 8th of November 2015.
Below is the link to the threat under reference:
Reasons For Pro-Biafran Peaceful Protests: It is further recalled, Sirs, that
tens of thousands of members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and
millions of their supporters had since July 2015 involved in peaceful and non-
violent street protests in 10 States of the Southeast and the South-south zones
except Edo State. They also protested in Lagos, Abuja and dozens of foreign
countries in Europe, North America and Asia. The protests peaked between
October and December 2015 following the arrest and long and unconstitutional
detention without fair charge and trial of the leader of IPOB, Prince Nnamdi
Kanu. Citizen Nnamdi Kanu was arrested on 14th October 2015 and had never
been released on bail till date despite several court orders either ordering for his
conditional release or unconditional release. The causes of these peaceful and
non-violent protests, Sirs, are fundamentally founded on escalation and
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
entrenchment of individual (personal insecurity) and group (structural
insecurity) violence against the Igbo Ethnic Nationality in Nigeria.
In other words, Sirs, their peaceful and non-violent protests were geared
towards drawing the attentions of the Nigerian authorities and members of the
international community over escalated and unaddressed threats to personal
security and safety and other unsafe conditions (personal violence) as well as
gross geopolitical imbalances and lopsidedness against the Igbo Ethnic
Nationality particularly the Southeast Zone in matters of federal distribution of
material and human resources (collective violence). Totality of the foregoing is
seen by them as constituting a dangerous threat to their existence, development
and enjoyment of inalienable and statute rights provided by the Constitution
and the international rights conventions.
Deprivation of these inalienable rights has made members of the Igbo Ethnic
Nationality and other Southern Ethnic Nationalities endangered species in
Nigeria. The peaceful and non-violent protests gained currency following the
Buhari administration’s soft spot for politics of exclusion and socio-ethnic
divisiveness. The grand purpose of these peaceful and non-violent protests
under reference is for the Nigerian authorities to address the social anomalies
complained of, non-violently, competently and satisfactorily.
Consequences Of Government Violent Crackdown: From our recent extensive
investigations, Sirs, at least 80 innocent Nigerian citizens and mostly, members
of the Igbo Ethnic Nationality in Nigeria who are sympathetic to pro-Biafran
self-determination agitation, have been killed by Nigerian security forces since
30th August 2015. The victims of the referenced butcheries have never used or
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
advocated violence. The leading killer-security force is the Nigerian Army,
followed by the Nigeria Police Force and the Nigerian Navy.
Over 170 other innocent and unarmed citizens have also been shot and critically
injured while about 400 others or more have been arrested, charged or detained
without trial. Hundreds of them are currently facing charges contrary to
democratic free speech in various magistrate courts in Southern Nigeria. Scores
are also being detained without trial amidst torture and other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatments or punishment in the hands of the personnel of the Nigeria
Police Force (NPF). There are also reported cases of disappearances, abductions
and pretrial killing of members of IPOB particularly in Southern Nigeria. In the
context of security forces atrocity index, the Nigerian Army accounts for 60%
of the atrocities while the Nigeria Police is responsible for 30%; leaving the
remaining 10% to other security forces including the Nigerian Navy. The
Nigeria Police Force is solely responsible for indiscriminate arrests and
disappearances of citizens, whom it labels “IPOB/MASSOB” members.
Detailed Statistics: For the avoidance of doubt, Sirs, among the 80 murdered
citizens are 4 killed in Awka and Onitsha on 30th August 2015; 13 killed in
Onitsha on 2nd December 2015; 12 killed in Onitsha on 17th December 2015
(eight were killed on the spot and four others died in hospital following gunshot
wounds); eight killed in Aba on 18th January 2016; six killed in Aba on 29th
January 2016 and 22 killed in Aba on 9th February 2016. There were other
killings that went unreported or unaccounted for till date.
We further inform, Sirs, that 60% of the murdered citizens were shot and killed
on the spot by soldiers. Their corpses were picked up by the same soldiers,
taken to secret destinations and buried or dumped in secret graves or borrow
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
pits. In most cases, if not in all cases, Sirs, the said murdered citizens have their
hands tied behind their backs, poured raw acid or other defacing and decimating
chemical substances and laid face down to avoid easy identification and to erase
traces. Those critically shot and injured by soldiers who are at the point of death
are routinely shot dead and buried or dumped in a like manner.
Dead Victims: Among the four citizens killed in Onitsha and Awka on 30th
August 2015 are Ebuka Nnolum of Enuguabo-Ufuma in Anambra State and
Obasi Maduka of Oshiri in Ebonyi State. Among 13 citizens killed in Onitsha
on 2nd December 2015 are: Miss Anthonia Nkiruka Ikeanyionwu (Anambra
State), Kenneth Ogadinma (Abia State), Chima Onoh (Enugu State), Angus
Chikwado (Anambra State) and Miss Felicia Egwuatu (Anambra State). The
remaining eight citizens shot and killed by soldiers of the Onitsha Military
Cantonment commanded by Col Isa Abdullahi were taken away and secretly
buried or dumped in undisclosed locations till date.
Also, out of 12 citizens killed in Onitsha on 17th December 2015, only four who
died in the hospital were identified. One of them is Citizen Okwu Friday. The
identities of three others cannot be disclosed here as pleaded by their families.
The corpses of the remaining eight citizens shot and killed on the 17th of
December 2015 were taken away by soldiers of the Onitsha Military
Cantonment. Among the 22 murdered citizens in the Aba Prayer/Meeting
session of IPOB on 9th of February 2016 are: Uche Friday (30yrs), from Asa in
Abia State; Emeka Ekpemandu (35yrs), from Owerre Nkwoji in Imo State;
Chiavoghi Chibuikem (Obingwa in Abia State); Nzubechi Onwumere (Orlu in
Imo State); Peter Chinemerem Ukasoanya (27yrs), from Isialangwa North in
Abia State, Chigozie Cyril Nwoye (23yrs), from Umuna in Ezeagu, Enugu
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
State; Chukwudi Onyekwere (26yrs), from Aboh Mbaise in Imo State; and
Chibuzor Maduagwu (28yrs), from Amauzari in Mbano, Imo State.
The remaining 12 dead bodies of murdered IPOB members were taken away by
soldiers of 144 Battalion of the Nigerian Army, located at Asa in Ukwa West
LGA of Abia. The 144 Battalion is commanded by Lt Col Kasim Umar Sidi.
The Abia State Police Command had earlier admitted publicly of shooting and
killing two IPOB members (“for disturbing students of the National High
School in Aba”). The Command is presently and officially in possession of the
two dead IPOB members it shot and killed.
Shot & Critically Injured Victims: Out of the 170 citizens that were shot and
critically injured by Nigerian security forces particularly the Army, Police and
Navy, most of them are found in Delta, Rivers, Anambra, Abia and Enugu
States and the shootings occurred between August 30th, 2015 and 9th of
February 2016. Of these, over 40 citizens were critically shot and injured in
Anambra (30th August, 2nd and 17th December 2015); 80 in Abia State (18th of
January 2016, 29th of January 2016 and 9th of February 2016), 21 in Rivers State
(30th August 2015); 10 in Delta State (30th August 2015) and 6 in Enugu State.
These exclude scores of others critically shot and injured in related non-violent
protests in those States as well as Bayelsa State that went unreported or
unaccounted for.
Among those shot and critically injured in Rivers by Nigerian Army and the
Police are Citizens Sunday Udegbe, Nwabunne Udo, Agwasi Anthony,
Meshach Emmanuel, Chinwendu Ogbonna, Amanda Onyekachi, Emmanuel
Arinze, Okwudiri Ojah, Chibuike David, Uzochi Ugwojialili, Chukwuma Igwe,
Kingsley Okere, Chinedu Solomon Iwu, Okon Emmanuel Udo, Kelechi
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
Uwaeze, Dominic Uwalaka, Solomon Chikwe, Ikenna Ezekwem, Thomas
Ubani, Amarachi Onyemachi and Chukwudi Ofoegbuliwe.
In Enugu State, the following were shot and critically injured: Mr. Godswill
Ojikeme, Mrs. Chinyere Godswill Ojikeme, Ogbodo Monday, Jonah Kelechi,
Onuigbo Paul and Obiorah Innocent. Those deadly shot and wounded in Delta
State are: Chinedu Abel, Onovo Michael, Kingsley Anuife, Amechi Ojieh,
Ogbonna Kanayo, David Ogbu, Charles Chukwuka, Elochukwu Uzor, Chinedu
Chukwuma and Onyekanna Ifechukwudebelu. Those shot and critically injured
on 30th August 2015 in Anambra State are: Sampson Kalu, Chidiebere Nnaji,
Onyekwelu Ovute, Felix Ndianaefo, Ikechukwu Okafor, Chimaobi Okafor,
Christopher Oforah, Sunday Nwazugbo, Stanley Eze, Mrs. Eucharia and Mrs.
Among those shot and critically injured by soldiers, Police and Navy in Onitsha
on 2nd of December 2015 are: Citizens Jonah Kelechi, Nwode Friday, Ogodo
Monday, Nwankwo Ejike, Onuigbo Paul, Mbonu Izunna and Obiora Innocent.
Among those shot and critically injured by security forces in Onitsha on 17th of
December 2015 peaceful and non-violent protest are: Amadi Chinonso,
Chukwudi Dabelechi, Alo Amechi, Nwaele Chigozie, Okonkwo Felix, Eneje
Emeka, Uchechukwu Kingsley, Igwebuike Chinonso, Onyemaechi Ikeagu,
Nwaoba Emeka, Nwajioha Chinonso, Nwaele Chinonso, Ijeoma Chukwu,
Francis Ikechukwu, Ejike Jideoffor, Makuochukwu Ozobi and Okechukwu
Among innocent and unarmed citizens shot and critically injured in Aba on 9th
of February by security forces are: Mrs. Charity Ahuruonye (40yrs), from
Ugwunabo in Abia State; Chibuzor Akabueze (29yrs), from Mbano in Imo
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
State, Chukwuemeka Iwuoha (Nwangele in Imo State), Chibuzor Chukwu
(Oshiri in Ebonyi State), Innocent Chinedu Okoro (52yrs), from Akuma
Ihechiowa in Abia State, Obinna Emmanuel Alaribe (26yrs), from Umuobasi in
Abia State, Uchenna Ihuoma (28yrs), from Njaba in Imo State, Ekene Uzor
(29yrs), from Ojoto in Anambra State, Sunday Kalu (63yrs), from Ihechiowa in
Abia State; Mrs. Nnenna Okebe (55yrs), from Abiriba in Abia State; Mrs.
Comfort Kingsley (32yrs); Mrs. Ngozi Paul (34yrs), from Amumara Mbaise in
Imo State; and Ifiok Alexandra Ibanga (Ubon Akwa-Obot Akara in Akwa Ibom
It is also important to inform you, Sirs, that some of these gunshot victims
mentioned above in Delta, Anambra, Rivers, Enugu and Abia have died
following the gravity of their gunshot injuries and lack of funds needed for their
proper medical treatments. Most, if not all of them were shot at close range.
Some have been crippled and can never walk again while others have their
limbs or arms amputated; yet others have their body parts badly lacerated.
Among these innocent victims are fathers, breadwinners, tax payers, mothers,
pregnant women, the aged, sons and daughters.
How Soldiers & Police Massacred 22 Citizens In Aba & Dumped 11 Bodies In
Borrow Pit: It is our information, Sirs, that the combined team of soldiers of the
144 Battalion located in Asa, Ukwa Ngwa West LGA of Abia State under the
command of Lt Col Kasim Umar Sidi and the personnel of the Nigeria Police
Force, Abia State Command, headed by CP Habila Hosea (08037025670); aided
by Aba Area Commander, ACP Peter Nwagbara (08184087787) and joined by
some personnel of the Nigerian Navy Command (Finance & Logistics
Command), Owerre-Nta in Abia State had on 9th of February 2016, shot and
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
killed 22 unarmed, innocent and non-violent members of the Indigenous People
of Biafra (IPOB) at the National High School along Port Harcourt Road in Aba,
Abia State. The security forces had stormed the School in over ten hilux vans at
about 12: noon of the said date.
Over 30 other members of the IPOB were also shot and critically injured at the
scene. Out of the 22 murdered citizens, eight were identified after the shooting
and killing spree by other members of the IPOB and sympathizers; some of
them died on their way to hospital following excessive bleeding and
excruciating pains. Two of the 22 murdered IPOB members were taken away by
the Abia State Police Command and the remaining 12 were packed in two
military trucks and taken away by soldiers. Among them were four critically
injured citizens in terminal conditions.
The IPOB members numbering hundreds had converged peacefully and non-
violently at the National High School for their prayers and meeting. About 30
minutes into their prayer procession in the School’s premises, soldiers of the
144 Battalion, numbering over fifteen; joined by Police and Navy personnel
surrounded and barricaded the IPOB members and cordoned off the area.
Minutes after, the soldiers opened fire at the IPOB members while Police and
Navy personnel joined them by shooting harmful chemical substances at them.
Coordinators of the IPOB were before the shooting, fished out and taken away;
likewise some married women. Among those earlier arrested and taken away
are Abia State IPOB Coordinator, Ikechukwu Ugwuoha, Imo State Coordinator,
Amos Ezekiel, Abia State Welfare Officer of IPOB, Okechukwu Nnebedum
Nkume, Abia State Zonal Coordinator, Donatus Okeke and one of the principal
officers of the group in Rivers State, Joseph Okolie.
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
Dumping Of 11 Murdered Citizens In Borrow Pit: On Saturday, 13th of
February 2016, some scavengers reported to one of the Aba units coordinators
of IPOB that they saw some dead bodies in a borrow pit located along Aba Port
Harcourt Road. The Borrow Pit was recently converted to a refuse dump by the
Government of Abia State. On receiving the report on Saturday morning, the
IPOB members moved to the area where they saw 11 dead bodies battered and
shrank with decimating chemical substances. The 11 murdered citizens must
have included those taken away alive by soldiers who were battered with
gunshots. They were laid face down with their eyes tied and covered.
They also have their hands tied behind their backs and their bodies lacerated
with gunshot holes. The chemical substances poured on them shrank them and
made them look taller than their normal heights; all for the purposes of erasing
traces and defying easy facial and bodily identifications. But clothes worn by
some of them are still new and easily identifiable. Some IPOB members who
went to the site quickly recognized some of them as part of those that attended
the prayer and meeting session of 9th of February 2016 before their gruesome
massacre by soldiers of the 144 Battalion, Asa in Ukwa West LGA of Abia
State; commanded by Lt Col Kasim Umar Sidi.
The leadership of this organization also went to the site and saw the gruesomely
murdered corpses. The 144 Battalion’s military barracks is about 10 kilometers
away from the Borrow Pit. The murdered citizens must have been dumped in
the Pit by the soldiers in the hours of the blue law or after midnight of 9th of
February 2016. They were also dumped at a distance away from the refuse site
and were carefully positioned and dumped. In the 18th and 29th of January 2015
IPOB peaceful protests in Aba, soldiers also shot dead scores of protesters and
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
took their corpses away. During the similar protests in Onitsha on 2nd and 17th of
December 2015, soldiers of the Onitsha Military Cantonment, headed by Col
Isa Abdullahi shot, killed and took away corpses of scores of peaceful protesters
without traces of where they were buried or dumped till date. The video clips
and pictures of the massacre at the National High School in Aba and the
dumping of 11 murdered bodies are attached below for full details, references
and investigation.
Condemnation: The worst crime against humanity by the State is killing and
maiming of its citizens in peacetime. In wartime, killing of civilians not taking
part in the war by State and non-State actors; unambiguously constitutes war
crimes and it is a fundamental breach of the Geneva Conventions of 1949,
particularly their Protocol 11 (protection of civilians and other non-combatants
in internal conflicts); how much more killing and maiming of innocent, non-
violent and unarmed citizens in peacetime. It saddens our heart that Nigeria,
which claims to be a respected member of the international community
including AU and UN, can mindlessly and rapaciously turn its instrument of
State violence against its unarmed, non-violent and peaceful citizens. Our
extensive investigations also showed that the killing and maiming of IPOB
members under reference is inescapably a hate killing and presidentially
It is also an ethnic cleansing. Our recent field observations, observed at various
military checkpoints in Aba and Onitsha clearly indicated the flooding of the
Southeast Zone with carefully selected and posted soldiers mostly dominated by
Muslim northerners as young as 22-25 years. These elements are incurably
ethnic cleansers and hate killers, once opportunities occur. They are also under
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
the commands of Muslim officers from core north with possible matching
orders from above to shoot, maim and kill at sight members of Igbo Ethnic
Nationality. For instance, the Onitsha Field Artillery Cantonment is headed by
Col Isa Abdullahi; a Muslim officer from core north; likewise the 144 Battalion
in Abia State, headed by Lt Col Kasim Umar Sidi; another killer northern
officer. The 82nd Division of the same Nigerian Army that coordinates the entire
army formations in the Southeast Zone is also headed by Brigadier Gen Ibrahim
Attahiru; a Muslim officer from the core north.
Further condemned is the unconstitutional roles of the Army in intervening in
peaceful and non-violent protests under reference. Taking vengeance of its
causalities in the Boko Haram insurgency on innocent and unarmed citizens is
recipe for anarchy and breeding of another insurgency in Nigeria. We are aware
that Government Ekpemupolo (Tompolo); a Niger Delta oil militant, has
continued to defy several court orders and court orders given to security forces
in Nigeria to bring him to court have not been executed till date; thereby
suggesting that once armed in Nigeria, a citizen is feared and respected by
security forces. In other words, Nigerian security forces under your
administrative midwifery appear to be encouraging citizens to take up arms and
become lawless while discouraging others from being law abiding and
ventilating their social angers within the ambit of the law.
If Nigerian security forces under your administrative midwifery can be so
heartless to direct State violence against innocent and unarmed citizens
exercising their democratic free speeches, then there is unquenchable danger
ahead. Saddening, too, is total abandonment of codes of conduct guiding the use
of force and modern crowd control handling styles, which includes the
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
proportionality of use of force. The handling styles of the Nigerian security
forces in the named butcheries are gravely in violation of the Chapter Four of
the 1999 Constitution and various international human rights treaties, signed,
ratified or domesticated by Nigeria.
Consequences: We make bold to say that the Nigerian security forces under
your administrative midwifery are breeding another insurgency; if not
insurgencies in Nigeria. The Board Chairman of this organization
(Intersociety), Emeka Umeagbalasi, still recalls how he was masterfully taught
by your person (Gen Dambazzau, PhD) at the National Open University of
Nigeria in the Department of Criminology & Security Studies about how not to
create or encourage triggers of divided society and how to nip personal and
structural violence in the bud using democratic and constitutional pluralism.
One of such seminal books in Gen Dambazzau’s name is called Patterns &
Trends of Crimes in Nigeria and their control measures. In the said book,
promotion of good governance, respect for and protection of human rights,
political tolerance and political inclusion as well as free speech were
emphasized as fundamental panaceas for ensuring effective crime control in
democratic Nigeria.
Yet, the recent turn of events with respect to the subject matter under
discussion, clearly represents the opposite of what academically erudite Gen
Dambazzau, as a doctor of criminology, taught the like of Emeka Umeagbalasi
at NOUN. The consequences of unleashing State violence on unarmed citizens
are unquenchably calamitous. Going by modern theory of violence, no State or
any group or individual has monopoly of it. As a matter of fact, violence is very
much around and more menacing in the hands of non-State actors and its forms
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
and applications have no limits. Our recent study of modern intra-State or
internal violent conflicts, which are very active in 64 countries around the
world; clearly showed that most of them started as peaceful and non-violent
agitations or protests, but became violent and devastating following violent
responses or crackdowns and other poor handling styles by host territorial
Today, there are a total of 64 active and devastating internal armed conflicts
raging in 64 countries around the world as at 2015, involving 591 militia-
guerrillas and other armed separatist groups; out of which, 27 internal violent
conflicts are ongoing in Africa, involving 167 militia-guerrillas and other armed
separatist groups. The Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) presently
parades the highest number of armed opposition groups in Africa with 36. We
totally concur with a saying that “the worst peace is better than the best war”.
That is to say Nigerian present political leaders must learn from recent histories
and have a total change of attitude. At a point in the history of Ethiopia of 80s,
for instance, fourteen violent conflicts were simultaneously going on in its
entire 14 regions, forcing the country to embark on compulsory recruitment of
every Tom, Dick and Harry including child-soldiers into its standing army. The
country later became the Africa’s largest army with over 500,000 soldiers. The
escalated conflicts in Ethiopia initially started between it and its Eritrean region,
but got escalated and they were principally as a result of Col Mengistu Haile
Mariam’s sit tight and iron fisted leadership and gross political intolerance
including violent crackdowns on unarmed opposition groups. He was the
country’s brutal dictator from 1974-1991.
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
In Ivory Coast, it was similar political and violent crackdown against current
President Alassane Dramane Quattara and his Dimbokro tribe; paternal
descendants of former Muslim rulers of Burkina Faso in mid 90s that plunged
the country into violent conflicts (2002-2007 & November 2010-April 2011). In
Syria, the internal violent conflict that began in March 2011 has led to killing of
over 260,000 citizens and displacement of over half of the population. The
conflict is also traced to iron fisted leadership of the Assad family (Hafez Al-
Assad, 1971-2000 (died in office) and Bashar al-Assad (son) 2000-date) and
violent crackdown on political and sectional opponents. In Somalia, the country
is one of the most homogenous and mono-religious (Muslims) countries in the
world, yet it was political intolerance and violent crackdown on opposition
voices; propelled by political sit-tight of Gen Mohamed Said Bare (1969-1991)
that plunged the country into endless internal violent conflict that led to
balkanization of the country and lawlessness till date.
For the fact that modern violence knows no border or boundaries and have
given birth to “wars-without-borders”, the Federal Government of Nigeria,
under Gen Muhammadu Buhari must be extremely careful and refrain from
breeding or provoking more insurgencies in Nigeria. The population size of
Nigeria (estimated at 174 million) defies any form of humanitarian
emergencies and responses in the event of eruption of another ethno-religious
inspired violent insurgency or insurgencies. And it is a common knowledge
among modern conflict theorists that value and identity based violent reactions
or conflicts are usually endless and devastating than violent conflicts over
economic needs and interests. Nigerian security chiefs and political leaders must
stop provoking and breeding more insurgencies and in the event of eruption of
more insurgencies in the country; their weapons of mass murder of today, will
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
become den guns only capable of shepherding their escape routes to refugee
Demands: We firmly demand that your two important public offices must speak
and advise President Muhammadu Buhari in Arabic and Hausa Languages that
he understands very well and correctly that Nigeria under his presidency must
not be plunged into another insurgency on account of the militant and hostile
approaches adopted by his administration in responding to peaceful and non-
violent agitations of pro-Biafra activists. IPOB issue is a time bomb on account
of its members and supporters scattering in the darkest and brightest parts of
the world and access to modern types and forms of violence is limitless, in
addition to the reigning age of information technology or ICT. Other potential
insurgencies may also abound in the country waiting to be provoked or
President Muhammadu Buhari must also be advised and made to understand in
his native Hausa and Arabic Languages that a lot has changed between when he
held sway in the military as a coup leader and as civil war participant and
present times. Warfare methodologies have since undergone a series of
It is our further demand that those involved in the butcheries under reference,
that is to say the Commanding Officer of 144 Battalion of the Nigerian Army in
Abia State; Lt Col Kasim Umar Sidi, the Abia State Commissioner of Police,
Habila Hosea, the Aba Area Commander, Peter Nwagbara, the Commanding
Officer of the Nigerian Navy (Finance & Logistics Command), Owerre-Nta,
Abia State, the Anambra State Commissioner of Police, Hosea Karma, the
Commanding Officer of the Onitsha Military Cantonment, Col Isa Abdullahi,
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
the Chief of Army Staff, Major Gen Turkur Buratai and Inspector General of
Police, Solomon Arase should be thoroughly investigated and be made to
account for atrocities under reference.
Specifically the Aba massacre and dumping of 11 murdered bodies inside the
Aba-Port Harcourt Road Borrow Pit should be thoroughly and conclusively
investigated. The two Army Commanding officers under reference (Col
Abdullahi and Lt Col Umar Sidi) should be withdrawn from the Southeast. The
present practice whereby the Zone is flooded with and dominated by young and
murderous soldiers of core northern Muslim origin should be reversed. Soldiers
to be posted in the Southeast Zone should comprise those of other geopolitical
zones; likewise their commanding officers. Soldiers should also be barred from
involvement in handling peaceful and non-violent protests and processions in
Nigeria; whether such are organized by IPOB or members of other social groups
in the country.
Nigerian security forces should also be barred from using live bullets and
assault rifles in handling or controlling peaceful and non-violent public protests
or processions; and non-lethal crowd control gadgets with minimum force (if
extremely necessary) should be used. Bearing in mind the international law and
UN’s principle of complementarity, which is also enshrined in the ICC Statute
of 1998, ratified by Nigeria on 27th of September 2001, this letter of ours is
directed to your two important offices in the hope that you will be “willing and
able” to frontally address the issues under complaint.
Yours Faithfully,
For: International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Onitsha,
Southeast Nigeria)
Emeka Umeagbalasi, B.Sc., Criminology & Security Studies; M.Sc.
(Candidate), Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution
Board Chairman
Mobile Line: +2348174090052
Obianuju Joy Igboeli, Esq., LLB, BL; LLM (Candidate)
Head, Civil Liberties & Rule of Law Program
Mobile Line: +2348034186332
Attachments: (1) video CD containing images of the IPOB peaceful
prayers/meeting at the National High School and mass shooting & killing of
their members by soldiers, police & Navy personnel in Abia State. (2)
Photos of 11 murdered IPOB members dumped inside Aba-Port Harcourt
Road Borrow Pit by soldiers of the 144 Battalion of the Nigerian Army,
near Aba.
1. National Security Adviser, Retired Gen Babagana Mungono
2. Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon Justice Mahmud Mohammed
3. Inspector General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase
4. Attorney General of the Federation & Minister for Justice, Mr.
Abubakar Malami (SAN)
5. United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon
6. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Zeid
Ra’ad Al Hussein
7. United Nations Chief Repertoire on Extra Judicial Killings, Prof
Christof Heyns
8. European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and
Security, Ms Federica Morgherini
9. Head/African Research Group & Deputy Head/Research Analyst,
UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Dr. Clare Thomas
10.Head, Political Section of the US Embassy in Nigeria
11.Head, Political Section of the UK High Commission in Nigeria
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |
Board Members: Emeka Umeagbalasi (Chairman), Blessing Ohia-Umeagbalasi, Anayo
Okoli & Chinedum Agwaramgbo, Esq.
RC: 27239
41, Miss Elems Street, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State
Southeast Nigeria
Tel: +234(0)8100755939 | e-mail:, |