Written by Wisdom Nwedene
Each time I see youths of nowadays posting their nude pictures on various social media platforms, I feel bad because many of them don’t
really know the implications of what they are doing. But because they want to be popular and be known as slay queens, they do not care to check if what they really want to post online is good or bad. In this article, I want to discuss the dangers of sending your friends your nude pictures, or posting some sexy pictures of yours on your social media account. Now let’s get down to business
(1)It shows That You Are Irresponsible : No responsible person will ever post or share his or her nude pictures on any social media platform, because it will hurt you either immediately or in future.
(2) It ruins your good reputation : If you are a girl and because a guy promises to marry you is not and will never be a good reason to share your nude pictures because immediately you do that, you have damaged the good reputation which you have. Even if the guy threatens to end the relationship because you don’t want to send your sexy pictures to him online, please let him do that because it’s better to have a good name than to become a laughing slowpoke when he will use it against you in future because things are not working well again.
3) What you post on the internet today may hurt you in future : Yes!! Many people don’t know this but the truth is, what you share on the internet today reveals the kind of person you are and if it is a bad thing that you post on the social media, you stand a chance of loosing many jobs opportunities. The truth is, many employers check your social media accounts to know the kind of person you are before giving you a job.
4) You Attract Bad People To Yourself : Well this needs no further explanation, because you already know that those those who you will attract are those who want to taste your goods.
There are still many dangers of posting your nude pictures, or sending it to your friends in the name of being a slay queen but I will stop here.
So do not snap pictures you will never like to see circulating on the internet. Don’t exchange your dignity because of cheap popularity.