A whole troop of worshipers swarmed through the convention ground of Holy Ghost Fire Apostolic Church, Ogunse Estate, Sagamu Road, Ikorodu, Lagos, to catch a glimpse of a reported image of ‘Jesus Christ’ on one of the church’s walls.
According to the report by Vanguard, a wall of a building under construction in the Church was wet, and some people perceived an image on it as that of Jesus Christ, attracting worshippers and curious people.
The report claimed that the stained wall was first noticed over the weekend, by an artisan, who screamed and abruptly stopped the day’s work, claiming he had seen Jesus Christ.
The news spread into the neighbourhood and people began to troop into the place.
The report has it that the scene has been attracting over 400 worshippers daily, but added that yesterday’s crowd was much compared with previous days.
Worshippers and residents of the area visited the Church individually and in groups, praying and singing to God, while some transporters seized the opportunity to hike their fares.
The worshippers were seen dropping sachets and bottles of water by the wall, while others knelt down or touched the image praying aloud.
The construction work at the Church has also been put on hold due to the number of pilgrims turning up to catch a glimpse of the image.