A chieftain of the Arewa Consultative Forum, Mohammed Abdulrahman, speaks with BAYO AKINLOYE on the issue of restructuring and the call for secession by Nnamdi Kanu
Do you believe in calls for the restructuring of Nigeria?
Yes. I believe in restructuring. I should also mention that the agitation didn’t start today. We raised the issue of restructuring during the regime of Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. At that time, Babangida set up a committee of eggheads to fashion out how powers should be devolved within the country. The report of that exercise is gathering dust somewhere in our national archives where our leaders usually dump reports of a robust and rigorous discussion by the nation’s political eggheads. I will like to say that though restructuring is very important, it cannot be done without powers first being devolved – there must be devolution of powers before we can talk about restructuring. And, the North is not afraid of restructuring if done properly.
Kaduna State Governor, Nasir el-Rufai, said those clamouring for restructuring are opportunists. What’s your reaction to that?
Let me state categorically that the statement of Governor Nasir el-Rufai is irresponsible. I do not think he has spoken as someone who understands the pulse of the nation. How can he say those who are calling for more powers to be given to each of the federating units of the federation are opportunists? What about him? We know about his ambition; he wants to be president of this country. We know what he did as the Federal Capital Territory minister under the regime of Olusegun Obasanjo. His tainted records are there for all to see. Who is he? We know who he is. People need to understand that the call for restructuring is not about some individual’s interests. It is what will bring lasting peace and sense of equity to the federating units.
Is he saying that other prominent and respected Nigerians who have thrown their weight behind restructuring are opportunists?
What exactly does restructuring mean to you?
Restructuring to me is allowing each state to develop at its pace and according to its developmental agenda and ability. In doing that, there is a possibility also, for at least two states to merge for the purpose of being viable and strong enough to cater for the needs of their people and contribute meaningfully to the centre, which is the Federal Government. It very important that each federating unit that makes up Nigeria is productive. I remember at a time during former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, I sat down with Gen. (Owoye) Azazi and Chief (Emmanuel) Iwuanyanwu to discuss the issue of restructuring. But I think we came to the conclusion that there was the need for devolution of powers before anyone can talk about restructuring. We need devolution of powers to start with. What exactly are we restructuring? The current agitation of the Igbo is actually a clarion call for fairness in the way they are being treated in the country. I don’t think any right-thinking person from the South-East wants to secede from Nigeria. I don’t think so.
The centre of the federation as we have it today, the Federal Government, is too powerful. Some powers should be taken away from it and distributed between the state and local governments. We shouldn’t put ourselves in a situation that one section of the country feels that it can determine who rules the country and when. We cannot allow ourselves to be overrun by a section of the country who feel hell will be let loose if their bidding is not done. We need to make the centre less attractive to people who are determined to become president of Nigeria by hook or by crook.
Do you think Nigeria’s sovereignty is negotiable?
No. I don’t think the sovereignty or unity of this country is negotiable. Every time there is agitation by a section of the country or a group of people, I don’t think we should bring up the issue of whether Nigeria should remain one united country or not. As a people, no matter our differences, we have become united in our diversity. It is only natural for issues of disagreement to come up from time to time. Having said that, we must understand that there is a fundamental reason we are all made to be part of this great country called Nigeria. To my mind, the people agitating for independence or break-up of the country are illiterates and are misinformed. They don’t understand the realities of the time. It is my conviction that Nnamdi Kanu is being sponsored by some irresponsible political elites. They are the ones egging him on. But to what end?
Let me tell you, the Igbo are only trying to be relevant; they are only trying to get back into Nigeria’s mainstream political space. There is nothing more to that. Among such efforts to get back into the mainstream is to have the presidency. What I see that Nnamdi Kanu and his Igbo ilk are doing is to blackmail Nigeria into submitting the presidency to them. The question I will ask them is: Can you have this presidency by blackmail? You need to examine their logic very well and you can discern their real motive concerning this issue. At a point, the Igbo said they wanted the presidency and now they are saying they don’t want to be part of Nigeria. How can they want or have the presidency when they don’t want to be part of the country? They want one of their own to be president they call a zoo? Is that reasonable? Or, does that show sincerity? I think the way they have been going about their agitation is irresponsible. Their tactics are wrong and crude. I think Igbo hooligans are behind current agitation for an independent state of Biafra.
Do you think that secession should be an option in the country’s drive for restructuring?
How can that be? We were brought together as diverse people for a reason. Have you seen any country that has secession as an option in its constitution when there is a crisis? It is a treasonable offence to call for secession. There is nothing like that in our constitution. We have said it several times that Nigeria is indissoluble. We are destined to be the giant of Africa and together we can all be stronger.
Are you saying that possibly as some have argued that the North will suffer most if there is a break-up?
How can the North suffer more than any other ethnic group? Go and read up the history of the North. Tell me, was the North begging the South for food before the (1914) amalgamation by Lord Frederick Lugard? The North definitely has its challenges and we do not pretend about them. But our desire for a united Nigeria, one that is indivisible, is borne out of the fact that we believe in the dreams of our founding fathers. We believe can build on the legacy they have left behind for us. It is erroneous to think that the North will be worst off if the unity of this country – a highly unlikely eventuality – is shattered. My suggestion is that we should pay less attention to things that tend to divide us and focus our energy on things can unite us and make us develop as a nation. We need one another and that is not a sign of weakness. We have what many nations, including developed countries, don’t have – a teeming population and diverse mineral resources. Even though we have not managed our resources well in the past, going forward, we can do the best possible to reaffirm our exalted position in the comity of nations.
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What revenue formula do you think should be used in the case of resource control?
What I can say is that once each state is allowed to grow at its own pace and productivity, it is expected to contribute something to the centre which is not expected to be overbearing as it is now. Therefore, the percentage will not be much because the state with the resource will get the lion’s share. It is only fair and reasonable. That percentage will be discussed and agreed upon by the federating units and the percentage will be the same for other resources too.
Some people say true federalism is the solution to the agitation for restructuring. What do you think?
True federalism is an idea. Each country practises what suits it. We should practise a federal system that suits our temperament, history and desire.
Do you think that Nigeria needs more states or some states should be scrapped?
Already some states do not appear to be viable since many of them owe salaries. If they cannot pay workers’ salaries, how can they bring about development to their people? Apparently, the call for the creation of more states leaves more to be desired. You see, we have to be realistic so that we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot in our frenzy for restructuring. Like I said earlier, there must devolution of power before we can begin to talk about restructuring.
If Nigeria break-up, what region or geopolitical zone will your people accept to follow? Jerry Gana said the Middle Belt will not go with the North.
I’ll say Jerry Gana is a bigot. He is not a nationalist. I think he’s only a stooge for some big men in Nigeria who are self-serving. Gana can’t say he’s speaking for the Middle Belt. He is on his own. For a certainty, I can tell you that the Middle Belt will stick with the North.
Do you think the Federal Government is ready to restructure the country?
The All Progressives Congress-led Federal Government under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari should not put the country in jeopardy. Whether they like it or not, the overwhelming mandate of the people will eventually force the government’s hand to do the right thing. We are all eyewitnesses to how nepotism is the hallmark of the current administration.
Does that mean the Federal Government should be prepared for war or a big crisis if it doesn’t act accordingly?
No. Things haven’t come to that and it will not come to that. I think Nigeria understands the devastating impacts of the Biafran war.