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EXPOSED! Why Is Dammy Krane, His Mother and Family Lying To Us About His Fraud Case? (SEE FULL EXPO HERE)

I never wanted to do this, but recent turn of events and happenings has left me with no choice than to let that which is inside of me out on here, as you might have deduced from my title, I am pretty pissed at the way Dammy Krane AKA Oyindamola Emmanuel Johnson-Hunga is handling his recent fraud case, here is what Dammy Krane is claiming:

1. I do not do fraud


2. My “agent” booked me on a private jet using fraudulent credit card


But in reality this was what happened …


1. Dammy Krane and Ebuka were booked as passengers on a private jet (this is like the 3rd time they are booking)


2. The person(s) booking the flight had attempted to book with 5 fraudulent cards before a random credit card was accepted


3. After booking, Dammy Krane called the flight company (Tap Jets) to ask if there was any “problem” with the credit card they used to book and that he could give them another one if there was a problem, the attendant said all was fine – it was a trap for Dammy Krane


4. When they were finally accosted by police officers Dammy Krane was found in possesion of 7 fraudulent credit cards (in his pockets), His “agent”, Ebuka was found with none (mind you Ebuka has been arrested 3 times before for credit card fraud)


5. There were several phones and laptops found in Dammy Krane’s suitcase  – (Traveling with almost 4 – 5 laptops?)


6. Dammy Krane’s cousin (also a rapper), Sinzu AKA Sauce Kid is serving a prison term for same crime (Credit card fraud.)


I am not trying to mud Dammy Krane’s name or integrity, but I am very disgusted by the way him and his family are handling the situation, claiming that his show promoter was the one that booked Dammy Krane on a jet with fraudulent cards, however, how do you explain the 7 other credit cards found on his body? He was also charged with grand theft – I cannot be sure, but I think this is in relation to the laptops (phones) found in his possession, some of them might be stolen – How do you explain this as well? Will Dammy Krane in good conscience stand in front of an American judge and insist that the private jet booking app, the credit cards found on him and other laptops/phones found on him were all set up? I am truly hoping they all are, but I can not in all honesty say it out and be at peace with myself.




I think Dammy krane is a fantastic and very talented artist, but this situation, if not properly handed could turn to be something else, because you could be thinking, how worst can this get? trust me it can get worse, if Dammy Krane and his family do not stop the day dreaming and wake up to reality (silence would have been better than all the messages and “official statements” they are releasing) – find out how to turn this situation into a very big gain (remember the brightest light comes just after the darkest hour in the dawn), rather than try to play the “Holy Elijah” role and keep entrapping the young man’s life and future in unnecessary complications and most importantly CHANGE AS A PERSON!, I believe he knows what that means, he should just be DAMMY KRANE, the entertainer and see how far things can go, rather than be the “private jet flying but we dont know where he got the money from” Dammy Krane. I hope Dammy Krane reads this, it might sound harsh, but your true friends are the ones that will tell you the inconvenience truth in the face of adversity for the greater good – your enemies are the ones that tell you lies and encourage you to be wayward, a similar incident to this ended Africa China’s career, back then when he was arrested for molesting a girl in a Paddington hotel in London, he kept denying the accusation until he was convicted and jailed – after that Africa China was never thesame, infact there was never an Africa China, but he used to be a big deal back in the days. Just be careful is all I am saying and goodluck with all, but dont lie to us!




Credit: Gistmania

Anambra man of the year award
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David Olorunsiwa is a student of kogi state university studying business administration and a very passionate blogger. you can contact through this 08132909269

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