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Biafra: Ijaw youths blast MASSOB for including South-South in ‘territory’

​The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) worldwide, has lambasted the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) for claiming that the south-south region is part of the Biafra territory.

A statement issued on Tuesday and signed by IYC spokesman, Barr. Henry Iyalla, said the body’s attention was drawn to a statement credited to a MASSOB leader, Solomon Chukwu.

It noted that Chukwu declared that south-south will belong to Biafra which MASSOB, IPOB and other self-determination movements are agitating for.

Iyalla stated that while the Ijaw and Niger Delta people identifies with the Biafra struggle, “we wish to state clearly that the Ijaw and Niger Delta struggle for self-determination predates the Biafra agitations”.

“It is on record that even before the Biafra declaration of independence in 1967, Major Jasper Adaka Boro during the twelve days revolution declared a Niger- Delta Republic in 1966. This was before the advent and struggle for the actualization of Biafra.

“The Ijaw and Niger Delta people had always maintained separate and distinct identity from our Igbo brothers of the South East.

“While we share in the Biafra agitation for self-determination which is not in any way different from our agitation; we wish to clearly state that the Ijaw areas are not part and parcel of the territory of Biafra.

“We will collaborate with our south eastern, middle belt and any other minority groups in the quest for self-determination based on mutual respect and common understanding. In the coming days, we will start the constructive engagement on these terms”.

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Damilola is a full time journalist/writer/freelancer and blogger.

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