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Just In!! Police confirm murder of former PDP Chairman in Bayelsa

The police in Bayelsa have confirmed that suspected assassins have killed Mr Pamo Hobobo, former acting chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) ‎in the state.

Asinim Butswat, the spokesman for the state police command, confirmed the incident on Thursday in Yenagoa in an interview with the Newsmen.

“‎One Pamo Christopher Hobobo of PDP Road, Yenagoa was found dead in his house at about 7000hrs today (Wednesday).

“Preliminary investigation revealed he was stabbed on the chest with a sharp object.

“His corpse has been deposited at FMC Yenagoa for autopsy and investigation is ongoing,” Butswat said.

Hobobo, who hailed from Agbere in Sagbama Local Government Area, was attacked in his house at Yenizue-Gene in Yenagoa Local Government Area.

Residents of the area said the assassins broke into his house and stabbed him to death without stealing anything.

They reportedly gained access to his apartment after pulling down the burglary proof attached to the door.

Sound of gunshots from the deceased house attracted neighbours who alerted the police.

The former PDP chieftain was discovered dead in a pool of his own blood when the police arrived the scene this morning.

Uncle to the deceased, Elder Hobobo, who also confirmed the sad incident, said the family was in grief and he was not in a position to comment.

“We are in grief; we are still in shock. I am short of words, please let me be for now,” he pleaded.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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