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Biafra Former Squadron Leader at Biafra Air Force "Artur Alves Pereira" Drops A Shocking Statement About Nnamdi Kanu's Bail, Nigerian Govt Panics

Biafra Former Squadron Leader at Biafra Air Force “Artur Alves Pereira” Drops A Shocking Statement About Nnamdi Kanu’s Bail, Nigerian Govt Panics

Nnamdi kanu’s bail have been viewed by Artur Alves  as a huge success towards Biafra quest for Biafra restoration.

The former Biafra squadron who works with Biafra Airforce during the Biafra/Nigeria civil war (1967-70) took to his facebook page to give reasons while the bail is a huge credit to the quest, he wrote”

“The involvement of a highly respected Jewish leaders as one of the conditions for the bail of Nnamdi Kanu is a huge plus to the international positioning of the Biafra agitation. The Federal Government themselves are indirectly making this issue more international in their bid to frustrate the Biafra movement”

“Today a newspaper in Israel had the Nnamdi Kanu issue as one of its headlines. Last week Benjamin Netanyahu the prime Minister of Israel was talking about the Biafra genocide.
My fellow Biafrans, all things are working together fort our benefit. Biafra is here.

Biafra or nothing”


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