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Glamour Model with the largest breasts in Europe takes tanning injections to darken skin (Photos)

Martina Big, a busty German glamour model who claims her size 32 S breasts are the biggest in Europe  has shocked her fans with a new “extreme tan” that has turned her fair skin to “dark crispy brown” and made her look “African dark” with just three tanning injections.

According to her, She has no plans of curbing her tanning addiction and that she wants even more of the melanin increasing injections.

She revealed she wants to turn her white Caucasian skin a deep shade of mahogany brown and she admits that she is still using a 50-tube sunbed in her home in Trier, Germany.

More photos after the cut

“Nine weeks ago, I had just three tanning injections,” Martina said.

“I was not expecting to go so dark but it worked so well. I love it and I really want to push it to the extreme.

“Now I just want to get darker and darker and see what the limits are.

This was her in front of the Hollywood sign before her extreme tanning

Anambra man of the year award
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