Femi Fani-Kayode: Arrogance of ignorance and struggle for self-determination in Nigeria [Part 2]
Meanwhile, just as their counterparts are doing in Nigeria, the racial integrationists, the champions of globalisation, the apostles of a new world order and the advocates of mass migration continue to test the waters by attempting to place obstacles in the path of the true believers and ethnic nationalists all over the world.
For example Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, suggested that this was not the time to discuss the issue of a new referendum for Scottish independence just two weeks ago.
Thankfully Alex Salmon, the former leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, responded to her in an eloquent manner by assuring her that if she continued talking that way her words and attitude would actually guarantee Scottish independence rather than prevent it. His warning is appropiate and timely.
Again just last week, the President of the European Commission, Jeanne Claude Junker, who is one of the world’s most rabid and diehard integrationists and globalists, said that President Donald Trump’s stated desire to see “more Brexits” and to “witness more countries leave the European Union” was “provocative and inappropiate” and that in retaliation the European Union may consider calling on states like Ohio and Texas to secede from the United States of America.
Nigel Farage MEP, the former leader of the British United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and one of the most formidable and respected nationalists in the world today, jumped into the ring the following day with a swift and devastating response.
He said that Junkers’ words were inappropriate and misplaced because the United States of America came together as a consequence of consensus whilst the Europen Union was brought together by fiat and compulsion.
He also made the point that, unlike America, which is a transparent and functional democracy, the European Union is run by a group of faceless and unelected bureaucrats and officials at the European Commission in Brussels.
Farage is absolutely right. His was indeed a beautiful response. Both Salmon and Farage have spoken the minds of millions of people all over the world including Nigeria.
The bottom line is that you cannot compel a people to remain part of any nation unless they choose to be in that nation and you cannot deny them the right of self-determination and the freedom of choice and association.
Thankfully that message is spreading. The forces of integration and globalisation are clearly on the ropes in today’s fast-changing world just as they are in Nigeria.
Nothing can stop the quest for self-determination or the glorious march of the ethnic nationalists.
A couple of weeks ago in an essay titled “The Hausa Fulani, The Yoruba and The Slaughter in Ile-Ife” (Part 2) yours truly wrote the following:
“The right to take pride in our ethnicity and invoke the principle of self-determination cannot be denied.
We reject the concept of globalisation and the enthronement of a new world order. We reject the concept of an artificial, man-made, multi-cultural, multi-religious, mongrel mega-nation that is made up of ethnic and religious incompatibles.
We reject the notion that we must bury our ethnicity, forget our differences, arrest our development, discard our values and enthrone the idea of a strange and complicated hybrid nation where we are expected to live with and accommodate those that hate our faith, despise our people, scorn our values and that rape, maim and kill our loved ones and compatriots in the name of religion, conquest, land, cows and cattle.
The truth is that no force in hell or on earth can stop the rise and establishment of the sovereign state of Biafra, Oduduwa or any other ethnic nation that will one day be carved out of what is presently known as Nigeria”.
I believe that these words are relevant and prophetic. Those that do not see the wisdom in restructuring Nigeria have guaranteed her future dissolution.
Yet sadly this is a fact that appears to be completely lost on both the British and French Ambassadors given their simplistic and asinine contributions to what is essentially a very complicated, multi-layered, multifaceted, problematic, volatile and dangerous long-standing debate which borders on the nationality question in Nigeria.
May the counsel of the Lord stand in our nation and may His name be glorified.